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with a negative although some had an inkling it was a plan or operation.

"Well, recently we have found a Huk base holding the closest point on the Yarekshi river, if we manage to capture it we will have a strategic point allowing droids and their armor to move freely across and into the flag plains where they would be able to wreak havoc against the Huk's lines where we cannot."

They would nod although they asked some confused questions which she soon answered.

"Normally I'd attack it on my own and win some more glory for myself but I figured I'd let you guys have some fun."

She spoke with a bit of a chuckle before then saying.

"Here is the plan, 2 of you are to form your platoons and head towards a more northern part of the river, attack an occupied village, try and force them to send reinforcements from that fort to deal with you, the other 2 you will be using Airborne drops to attack a occupied village on the other side of the fort, we need to divide their forces and stretch them out to allow my group the ability to infiltrate and take it out."

They each would give their preferred option, 2 for their side of the river 2 for the other side. Upon the conclusion she handed to the 2 groups data pass containing nearby villages stating. 

"These are our scouting reports on nearby villages, enemy count positions, etc. Each of you will take your platoons to a different village, formulate a plan on the ones you decide on, attack, capture and hold, force them to come to you, as well."

She handed each of them a flare gun.

"Launch a flare whence your village is captured that will be my platoon's signal to infiltrate the base, understood?"

They all responded in the affirmative and each would head out to gather their platoons for the upcoming assault.

The flares were launched. Each a bright blue light that burned across the sky almost like a miniature star burning across the deep black of the night lighting the surrounding area well, as well, quite visible. As her troops approached the ridgeline near the base they watched, gazing upon the base watching the enemy maneuver reinforcements, watching as they moved troops and vehicles from the base and out to engage the distraction teams. She stood at the top of her troops formation at the ridge line, looking through her binoculars out at the enemy's movement noting the tanks and APCs moving out and she would contact the other platoons stating to each.

“They are maneuvering their armor and mechanized units to engage you, prep anti tank mines, lay an ambush, capture any if you can, if you can't make a nice fireworks show.”

When the officers answered in the affirmative she would turn around to her troops, each standing behind her looking up towards her, rifles in hand, each man in a unique set of gear, from masks to garb, armor to weapons, each man and woman had a unique look, style and type. She would note each of their features, she didn't want to but it was subconscious, she hated thinking  about it, knowing people would die, knowing their names, but she just steeled herself and spoke her tone back to that energy filled dialogue they were used to.

“Alright troopers, form up into your squads each squad will be given a different purpose during this operation, understood?”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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