Chapter 2

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Dan was finally being nice to me and I gained a little popularity by hangout when with but I still get told I act like a 8 year old girl! So dan stopped by my house and drove me to school in his amazing car! But I don't think I will ask him how he go his Id for a couple days, we just became friends so I better not ruin it now! We got to theatre class and we really didn't do anything in that class except talk and listen to music on your iPods so I asked Dan how he got a license he's only 15 and you can drive till 17 and he said you could drive at 15 were he's from so I asked were he from and it took him 1 minute to answer. I think hes going to be lying! He said Norway that would explain the paleness but not the black hair... But I just ask him about some bands he liked and he told me to listen to Fallout boy! I might just like them. We had Mr.Hess again today and dan put his hood up, oh by the way he was wearing black jeans and a navy blue hoodie and he was wearing eyeliner too I. Don't wear makeup but he does... oh back to the story he put his hood up and Mr.Hess something a Little rude he said "Daniel is it rain inside the class room at the moment?" And Dan said in return No, but it's my life and some deadbeat teacher isn't going to tell me how to live it! And people in my class clapped for him. and he sat down and then teacher yell at him to go see the principal. I whispered before he walked "Don't back talk teachers cause you can be Expelled!" And he said in a normal voice "shut the hell up PHIL and don't talk to me anymore! And he pushed my books in the floor! And look I blew it we hates me but maybe it's wasn't meant to be Maybe some like me and some one like him is meant to be friends...

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