moaning in your sleep to see her reaction (requested)

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"Y/N, baby? Are you sleeping?" Selena whispered as she crawled into bed beside you.

Next to her, you were lying on your side with your back facing her

Since you haven't moved since she arrived home a few minutes ago, she figured you were sound asleep.

She didn't want to take a chance on waking you, so she just curled up behind you and softly kissed your shoulder blade before closing her eyes.

"I love you, sweet girl. Sweet dreams." She said before she began to slip into a light slumber.

She's had a long day today and she felt extremely tired so she was looking forward ti getting to sleep with you in her arms.

However, the sound of you moaning out her name made her eyes fly open.


She laid still for a second as she wondered if she had heard you correctly.

Or had she been falling asleep and heard it as she began to dream?

She didn't know for sure because you didn't say anything else after that.

She figured you must've been dreaming, so she kissed your shoulder once more before she started to brush her fingers across your sides and listened to you breathe, letting that soothe her back to sleep.

But when the sound of her name leaving your lips in another moan came, she knew she hadn't been dreaming.

She knew that you were saying her name in your sleep and it was starting to make her feel needy for you.

"Selena," You moaned again.

And this time, Selena couldn't hold back any longer.

Turning you onto your back, she moved to hover over you and kissed your face until you opened your eyes.

You groggily rubbed them and mumbled,

"What is it, Sel?"

"What is it?" She asked with a scoff. "Tell me, baby girl. What were you dreaming about?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You were moaning my name in your sleep." She said as she kissed the corners of your lips.

"I was?" You questioned as you tried to hold back a smirk.

"Yeah," She said before she put her lips on yours, smiling into the kiss. "And it sounded so sexy, baby."


"Oh, yeah," She said before moving her lips to your collarbones. "You're just so sexy."

"Selena," You moaned as she left a few love bites across your skin.

"All I can think about now is you and how much I'm craving you." She spoke as she moved her lips to your neck, immediately brushing them against the spot that makes you weak in the knees.

You threw your head back against the pillow as her name left your lips once more.

"Tell me that you feel the same, baby."

"I do. I've been feeling that way all night. That's why I pretended to be asleep and moaned out your name."

She pulled away from your neck and stared at you in surprise.

"You what?"

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. I've been missing you all day and all I could think about is you."

"That's a little devious, baby." She said before smirking and putting her lips back on your neck. "I like it."


"Almost as much as I like the way my name sounds falling from your lips."

You sighed blissfully and tangled your fingers in her hair as you held onto her tightly.

"I hope you're not tired, sweet girl, because you won't be getting to sleep for a while. It's going to be a long, exciting night." She said and you just smirked at her before pulling her in for a passionate kiss, telling her that you looked forward to every second.

Selena Gomez Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now