the Blue-Blur from the sky pt.2 (2)

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The sun blazed in full above the water, drenching the cliffside and the grass along the two of us. The blue mystery creature started to fade back from the glowing eyesore. Now would probably be the moment where I could've walked off; Left behind this troublesome individual to his peculiar dilemma of falling from the sky, and thinking he killed someone. Though, something kept me still; alert in the warm breeze.

The blue creature finally returned from his supernatural self-imploding episode, his form taking on a completely different form. I had to rub my eyes a couple of times, careful not to get dirt and grass crumbs in my eyes. Surely I had been mistaken. The sun was shining bright, maybe I'm just seeing-

No, Something shifted. The blue simpleton had changed from that rugged-haired beast into a much shorter sleeker form. Even the hue in his fur was lightened.

His feet dug some into the dirt again, the spikes seemingly withdrawn into whatever strange chamber was inside his foot structure. No, it was probably also part of this strange shift that happened. I was speechless, but he seemed ecstatic, the simple smile returning on his now lighter, and less furry face.

"Hoho! Wha!" He shouted.

I was unable to formulate any words. At this point, I would've seen it coming if another freak fell from the sky and hit me again. This was just too strange.

"This is more like it! Hehe. This is what I usually look like. Blast that egg-shaped man..."

The creature flicked out a thumbs up towards me, gone were any claws, only stubs beneath white gloves which seemed to materialize.

"Who are you?" I pleaded at last. What I wanted to say was what are you? Though, I was still afraid of the thing and didn't want to press whatever buttons could be hidden beneath that fur. Though, the new look was much...punier...

"Ohoho! Me? well...I'm Sonic. What's your name?"

Sonic... such a loud name, it really did fit him. If he didn't contain some beast hidden inside him, I would've entertained the urge to kick him into the waters that rushed along the shore.

" you have a name?"

Sonic poked me in the same exact spot on my shoulder that he gripped firmly earlier.

"Oh! My name is-" My heart rose to my throat as I struggled to recall something so basic. I backed up some as I retraced my steps as to how I got here. It was as if something blocked anything that didn't include a blue blur falling from the heavens.

"I.. think I... I don't know.." A feeling of dread mixed with the blisteringly hot sun made my stomach sink, I wished that the fall would've turned me into fertilizer for the now pulverized grass rather than surviving as a useless husk.

Sonic reached down for my hand. His gloves were slippery and thick, If I wasn't already beyond perturbed by my sudden amnesia, I would've been repulsed by the size of his hand knobs he called fingers. 5 equal-length nubs clenched my hands together; my fingers were tiny in comparison. I gulped as some feeling of dread surprisingly melted away with the warmth in his hands.

"It's okay," He looked straight into my eyes, Those emerald eyes sent bolts along my spine. It was the first time he looked at me without seeming in a frenzy.

"-It's okay not to have a name. I didn't have a name for a long time either."

I choked mid-breath,

"I have a name! I didn't get by this long in my entire life without having a name." This sonic guy was a real charmer, but there wasn't much going on upstairs clearly.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I just guessed you didn't have a name lil' guy."

I flinched when the now shorter hedgehog called me little,

"Yeah, I just... need some time to, like, think this through," I snapped.

"It's okay, Names take a while, and sometimes it's hard to pick the right one!"

I ignored him, instead ready to get a move on. The town just down the trail was probably the best place to go. The only other option was to swim to a nearby island which would be absurd, but I could tell by Sonic's continuous glances at the water-logged land that it was being considered.

Perhaps someone familiar will be able to help me with my memory. I hope so at least. There may be someone able to help his blue ass as well. He was definitely troubled, judging by the giant monster form and the cursing at the sky...

so, I didn't mention anything when he began to trail me toward the town.

If I can't find someone to help him or myself, I may be stranded with this blue himbo.


We both silently agreed to go to town together since I could barely remember anything, and he didn't even know what year it was or where on earth we were. Unfortunately, I was grouped in the same situation as Sonic, the Hedgehog. Both slapped so silly that neither of us knew what was happening, or where to go next.

All I knew was that on the walk back toward the slowly towering archaic buildings, I couldn't help but feel awkward on the silent trail.

I was glad Sonic was unnecessarily and offensively quick with his 'jog', otherwise, I'd be left in my head walking so slowly next to him; Left to retrace not only the steps to where I even was and why, but to how that vacant green glance he gave me sent my mind into a twister of emotions.

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