Chapter 1: Discovery

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-Bandu's POV- (I'm pretty sure most of this story will be his POV but I'm putting this in case I decide otherwise)

The sun glistened and the sky was clear, it was early in the afternoon. I stared outside my window as I stretched, getting ready for the day. Expunged didn't really like it, but I was a heavy sleeper as I stayed up all night, too energetic and restless.
After I finished stretching, I jumped up quickly and dashed out of my room. I slid down the railing of the stairs, and glanced around everywhere in the kitchen.

"Did Expunged leave anything here for breakfast today? Or did he forget like last time.." I trailed off. I looked on the counter, and found some pancakes that had chocolate chips in them. I snatched them from the counter eagerly, and set them on the table. I closed the oven, and went back to the table.

"Oh! He even left a fork and napkin for me! I guess he really wanted to make up for last time!" I began to laugh, and then got started on gobbling down my pancakes. Once I finished, I made sure to clean up, and then went outside and locked the door.
There was so little yet so much to do outside, I couldn't make up my mind. I decided in order to find an idea, I'd walk around until something peaked my interest.
The grass and air around me felt nice as I passed by houses and eventually came to the outskirts of my small neighborhood.

"Well, even though I've been told not to check the outskirts of the neighborhood.. how can I not? It doesn't seem like anything dangerous is there, and SOMEONE has to explore it! I'll be the first!'' I exclaimed.
I began to enter the outskirts of the neighborhood, it seemed to be some kind of woods. The grass and surroundings in general appeared to be a bit darker, but it wasn't too scary or difficult to see. I knew Bambi lived somewhere near the neighborhood but not in it, so I began to wonder if I'd actually stumble upon his farm.
I looked for a while but the only thing that seemed to be there was endless amounts of trees and landscape, I didn't think the outskirts of the neighborhood would feel so large. There was still birds singing along and squirrels going around the trees as normal, but I felt even smaller with how endless the place seemed.

"I wonder if I can find Bambi's farm soon?" I said to myself, and kept curiously walking around. How could around the way to Bambi's place be so dangerous that Expunged said we had to teleport to there? I stopped in my own thoughts for a moment. For a moment, I felt like someone was watching me.

"Hello? Is someone there..?" I asked into the air nervously, but there wasn't a response. Suddenly, I had heard some kind of noise in a nearby bush. For the first time in a while, I felt actually scared. I've never had to face anyone or anything dangerous, and I felt too weak in a way to properly attack back, I didn't like to fight.
As I stared at the bush I thought I heard the noise from, a figure began to come out of it. It was.. Bambi?

"Bambi! What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be at your farm?" I questioned.

"I could say the same to you, I thought you were supposed to be near your home." Bambi replied.
"Anyways.. I was seeing how easy it is to get from my farm to your neighborhood since usually either me or you or your brother have to teleport back and forth, despite it not being such a far distance. It seems more difficult than I realized, I didn't think I'd see you here though. Why did you come?"

"I came because I'm too curious." I giggled for a moment.
"I went out here to explore, and see if I'd possibly find your farm along the way. Expunged always said this place was dangerous but I don't know why. It just seems like some woods with wildlife, there's nothing out of the ordinary here. What even could be dangerous here though? I mean if I'm being honest.. the way you were gonna jumpscare me, I thought you would be that dangerous thing, I don't even know if I could properly defend myself. I came out here with stupidity didnt I?" I answered to him.

Brothers (A Gapple AU Centered On Bandu and Expunged)Where stories live. Discover now