I Need to Make you Better first... PT.1

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MICHEAL POV: It's been a couple of days on my new school I made tons of friends.  I Think I've also been getting sick i hear voices in my head saying RUN RUN RUN and also sometimes YOU KNOW NOTHING! hopefully they stop.

WEEK TWO: It's been two weeks My eyes are red and my hair is all messed up my neck lost its structure and i'm losing my hair. My mother and father called a Exormisum?-Exor-Ex Something and he said he could make me better so  followed him into this cabin inside the woods. He knocked me out and then i was Stuck to the wall with my hands and arms T R A P P E D. he pulled up this grave Looking thing. And pointed it to me I started bleeding it was Horrible He Kept on doing it saying phrases like. BEGONE DEMON! I was scared he was doing this for weeks. I lost my hair and my skin turned really white(Don't take that outta context.) After this time i got Taken over and i asked" Can i see mommy and daddy?" The man in the Gray suit responded with."I need to make you better first." I don't remember much But i broke free from his Clutches and i was hungry... SO HUNGRY I ATE THAT PRIEST AND THAT PENDEJO  SAW IT I RAN AWAY AND BROKE OUT THE WINDOW I WENT HOME AND I SAW MOMMY AND DADDY I WAS REALLY HUNGRY STILL SO I...why am i doing this... who is possessing me?. After eating them i got on the news? and i was called the "Chupacabra" After 11 Bad years of being hunted i saw Another priest. He looked like he came for me he had that... WEAPON AGAIN THE SAME ONE AS THE... IT MUST BE HIM. HE MUST SUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFER!!!!!!!

Hi this was really rushed and i made this at like 12PM so.....

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