Part 2

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A full year has passed since Ladushka and I arrived at the town we made into our home. It was a lively town that served as a hub for travelers, nomadic groups, and people looking for a new home. The merchants had remembered me from previous visits and had helped us upon our arrival to find us our new home. We had no need for our tent anymore as they had buildings called huts made from mud bricks brought in by a group who travel to the far-off land of the world where the air is hotter, and the sun is brighter. These buildings were solid and were permanent, with a door and glassless windows. We were fascinated by them.

Our home was small, but it served its purpose. It was, in modern terms, a studio. The kitchen was in one corner and our sleeping quarters were in another, storage in one and our sitting area in the center. It was a cozy home that fit us comfortably, and it stayed warmer than our tent, so the winter and nights were easier to manage. Our neighbors were friendly, and the ladies befriended Ladushka. She had really come out of her shell and she was always in a good mood. Her sickness spells have become less frequent as well, which lifted her spirit considerably. She was able to do more and travel the town without getting too tired. Moving to that town was the best decision I ever made for us.

Winter was approaching and the men I worked for, the merchants that help get us settled down, had passed down advice to me about how to prepare for your first child. Time was running out for Ladushka and I in terms of age, as the average age of life then was less than 30 years if you were lucky. I was 22 and she was 18, our years were numbered, and I wanted to create a blood line with her, and it was time for me to put my foot down on the matter. The men gave me the pep talk I needed to give me the confidence to approaching Ladushka.

I returned to our home that evening after work, she was there with food ready and greeted me with a warm smile. Coming home was a wonderful feeling, but she made it the best part. It was probably around this time I realized I was in love with her. She was such an important aspect of my life and seeing her smile every day made my heart flutter each time. We could be anywhere in the world, but if I were next to her, I was home.

We ate the food she had made, a simple porridge made from potatoes and rice. It wasn't the ideal food or the best, but it was made with love and there was something about it that made it more enjoyable. She asked me how my day was, as she did every night. It was the normal routine, but it was something I looked forward to. I would ask her the same thing and she would explain with such passion her adventures with the neighbors and what animals she saw that day. She had come out of her shell completely and her eyes lit up with fire during her stories. I loved her so much, from the way her hair falls on her face to the sound of her voice. Her hands were soft, and she always smelled like flowers.

Later in the evening, after we finished our meal and Ladushka cleaned everything up, we were both relaxing in front of the dying fire, nestled close in our shared bed. We began sleeping close to each other, arms interlocked, and her head rested on my chest. It was a wonderful feeling of having her so close to me, exchanging body heat. I had my arm around her and was stroking the top of her hair.

"Can I ask you something?".

She moved her head to look up at me, the fire's light reflecting in her eyes giving them a beautiful glow. "Yeah, go ahead." She replied.

This was it. "Can we start our family here?" I could feel her tense from the question, which usually lead to her completing shutting down. But after her quick tense, she loosened up.

"I suppose I have put off this for too long..." She trailed. This was a different response and I was a little surprised. She looked away briefly to collect her thoughts, she sat up and returned her gaze back onto me. "We are safe here, and I'm not sick anymore.... I feel ready..." She finished her sentence with a soft smile.

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