Chapter IX

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I looked up to see a tall brunette man I recognised too pretty well. I stared at him in shock as I was kneeling next to the little girl.

"Dazai!" I shouted while frowning as I slowly got up looking at him. He looked at me with a sight of relief.

"Thank god you're okay" He softly smiled passing the man.

"Did you killed him?" I asked looking down at the man. He really got on my nerves so he deserved what he get.

"I didn't, It was a sedative bullet. It won't kill him" He assured while he knelt down in front of the girl. She stood next to me as she looked at Dazai with an unsure look.

"Hello, little one. My name is Dazai Osamu and I'm a detective. I'll take you to your family, what do you think?" He asked with a calm and soft tone.

"I-i don't have a family..." She mumbled looking down at her feet. I looked at her surprised, just like Dazai.

"I understand" He sighed getting up. He straightened up himself turning his gaze to me.

"Are you able to take care about her until we'll decide what to do with her?" He asked. I looked at him still with a frown, I couldn't process what was just happening. As he didn't get any answer from me, he chuckled to himself before he turned his sight back at the little girl.

"Don't worry about her, she'll take care of you well. Now, we'll go to her room, okay?" The brunette smiled to her as his eyes were closed. She slowly nodded and I snapped out.

"Dazai! What the hell are you doing here?!" I shouted suddenly. He turned to me with a slight of surprised face.

"Oh, luck I suppose" He grinned.


"We'll talk in your room, shall we?" He cut me off as he turned away. I sighed and looked down at the girl. She was observing Dazai amused.
Why does she look at him like that?...
I mean, he literally shot someone in front of her.

"Sure, whatever, but what about him?!" I raised my voice pointing to the man who was laying down on the floor. Dazai, who was few steps further then he earlier was, turned his head towards me, stopping. He looked at me, then at the body and shrugged. I groaned as I moved the man's body who was earlier between me and Dazai. I grabbed the girl's hand slightly helping her bypass the body of that shithead. And so, I picked her up for a piggyback ride and we made our way to my room.

I was walking next to Dazai and with the girl's head resting on my shoulder.
She quickly fell asleep after she told us some things about her. Her name was Chika and she was 10 years old. She had a medium length hair which were braided in two ponies. She also had some bangs which reached to hey eyebrows. Her eyes were yellow and she stood around 4'3.

The only thing which made me restless, was the fact that I left Nikolai.
I felt kinda bad for dissapearing without telling him and I knew I'd have to apologize soon.

"Y/N" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned my head slowly to the brunette to see him staring in front looking quite serious. I hummed in response and he began to speak.

"You're here because of Fyodor, am I right?" He questioned.

"Yes" I replied sighing.

"What is he up to?" Dazai asked once again. I opened my eyes quite wide as I heard his question. I hesitated. If I'd tell Dazai about me being related with Decay of Angels, it wouldn't end up good for me.

"I don't know yet" I lied. Dazai gave me an unsatisfied look and sighed.

Soon enough we appeared in my room. I put Chika on my bed to sleep comfortable, hopefully she won't hear us. I sat down with Dazai at the table, quite far from Chika so she wouldn't hear our conversation.

"Let me start, what are you doing here? This is a thing between me and Fyodor, so why?" I started first.

"I wanted to make sure you're alright. If Dostoevsky would go too far, We would know where to find you and stop him"

"Also, I'd like to speak with Fyodor about few things" He added.

"I see..." I murmured.

"Y/N, who is the man who got you here? I know it's not Fyodor." This time Dazai asked.

"I-..." I didn't know what to say. I wasn't sure if he should know about Nikolai. I Didn't think telling Dazai about that other members of DOA is appropriate for now.

"I'm not sure... I haven't seen him since he saved me from some weird man and I was uncouncious by then" I answered, lying once again.

"What happened back then?" He asked as he leaned his chin on his palm.

"Well... On my way to Agency, I bumped into some man. He got angry and caused this" I began as I pointed to the bandage on my forehead.

"Then, that person came and... Killed him" I continued as he looked quite surprised.

"Ah, I see..."


Me and Dazai talked everything out. Well, I didn't tell him total truth about what happened, neither what was happening now, but I had to lie. I couldn't say lying didn't bother me, it really did. Overall Dazai was my close friend and we worked together since 2 years. Lying to him felt like lying to the whole agency. I only could consider myself as a liar and betrayal.

From our conversation, I learned about Dazai's and Fyodor's relationship. They knew each other before. Dazai knew him more then I did, which I didn't expect at all.
Dazai told me about Fyodor and how he is. He was much scarier and more mysterious than I thought. He was a dangerous person to the agency, also a
member of the Decay Of Angels to not forget. The brunette also kept asking about the Decay of Angels itself. Since Fyodor is in DOA, Dazai might thought I already get to see and meet the other members. Well, I did met Sigma and Nikolai, but not the rest of them. Obviously, once again, I had to lie.

I wasn't sure if Dazai believed what I said. Well, I did lied almost in every sentence. Dazai came here with no one from ADA, that's what he told me. I thought that agency sent him to go find me and see if I'm alright, however he came here out of his free will.

Suddenly we heard a knock on the door. I flinched as I heard it. I looked towards the door as a feeling of stress appeared. I'd be fucked up if it would be either Nikolai or Sigma. Dazai will catch me lying and it wouldn't end up well, in fact it will end up horribly. The brown eyed man gave me a look as he saw me looking concerned. I got up and made my way to the door with hope to see neither of the two men from DOA.

Dazai followed me behind saying:
"Curious who might it be! Huh, Y/N?" He chuckled raising his voice to which I nervously hummed.

I stopped in front of the door with Dazai standing behind me on the right. I catched the handle and opened the door fastly that the air moved my hair slightly. My eyes were shut closed. After a seconds of silence I opened them slowly and looked up to see the person I awaited to see.

"Ah, so you're here, Y/N"


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