Chapter 1: discovery

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<Jin pov>

Nota: which one do you think you'll have a better chance winning at. Fighting 20 chimpanzees or 1 gorilla

Jin: I think I have a better chance at fighting the chimpanzees

Nota: yeah but the chimpanzees have brains you know what I'm saying

Jin: yeah but I'm still smarter then them

Nota: I'm not to sure about that

'As I looked to my right I noticed a cave'

Jin: *points at the cave* has this always been here

Nota: I don't think so

Jin: let's just go home I'm tired

Nota: since we're here anyways let's just explore the cave it won't take that long caves around these parts aren't really that big

'After a few minutes I reluctantly agreed'


<Nota pov>

'As we explored the cave we saw a lot of ancient writing on the walls. After about 10 min we stumbled upon a dead end'

Jin: what do we do now

Nota: since this is the end of the cave we should probably just head back

Jin: great you wasted 10 min of my life

Nota: shut up I get it

As we were about to head back the floor started collapsing

Nota: ahhh! what the hell is happening

Jin: great look what you did too us wasted 10 min of our life and now we're gonna die

Nota: okay I get it you don't have to keep pestering me about it!

Jin: wish I could at least eat some ramen before I die

Nota: we're gonna die and you're thinking about ramen!

Jin: isn't this fall taking a bit too long

Nota: huh now that you say I-


Jin: huh I'm still fine?

Nota: what the... we're not dead?!

Jin: the floor is soft and squishy weird

Nota: yeah you're right guess we got lucky where even are we?

<3rd pov>

Looking around the 2 boys got up but could barely see anything but they saw a strange green glow in the distance

Jin: should we go further? It could be dangerous

Nota: I don't think we have much choice I doubt we'll be able to climb back up

Jin: alright let's go

As the two boys got closer to the light they saw what was making the green light a box that has a strange shape and is emanating green light

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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