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Madison:Guys I'm getting worried lexi hasn't responded to my texts or calls in 3 days! Jana:Well she didn't tell you guys but cristiano cheated on her with this russian model named Irina Shark. "Alexis stands up and grabs pans" Alexis:Grab one everyone and let's go. Emerald:Hold on alexis! Were not gonna ruin our career for some man. Caleigh:I think I know how to find her! "She tells them the plan" Madison:Look I found her! Looks like she is at her house. Jana:Let's go! "They go to their car and drive to her place" Shawn:Madison is not picking up her phone! Gavi:The girls might be having a party or something. "The girls knock on her door" "Lexi opens the door" Lexi:Girls? "They come in" Lexi:Now you guys are in my house. Emerald:We heard what happened with cristiano and- Lexi:Don't say his name.I hate that guy. Madison:We just wanted to check on you because we tried contacting you for 3 days! Alexis:I still brought the pans. Jana:Alexis enough with the pans! Lexi:I just thought he loved me. Emerald:Wow you have such a big house. Alexis: It's not a house.It's a mansion! Madison:Let's go to the pool! "They relax at lexi's house until night time" Shawn:I got a text from madison.She says they're staying over at her house. Gavi:Game night! Michael:How lovely! Neymar:I'm just gonna watch y'all play. "Lexi gets a call from Lionel Messi" Lexi:Hey. Lionel Messi:Hey.So remember the award show.We kept staring at each other. Lexi:Yes I do remember. I have known you for so long but I just don't wanna be dumped again. Lionel Messi:Look you can think about this for as much time as you need.I would never dump you.Also I have loved you since we were kids.Once you went with ronaldo I stayed away for respect.Listen I need to go but i hope you have a good night. Lexi:Thanks, you too. "She hangs up" Emerald:Omg you like messi?! Alexis:OMG LOL! Caleigh:Hehe! Jana:So did you guys discuss anything?  Lexi:Well were just talking right now.But he just said he would never dump me. Madison:Girl just get together already! Emerald:He's better than Ronald for sure. Lexi:Guys me and Cristiano just broke up,I don't wanna be mean. Alexis:Who cares if ronaldo gets upset he has a stupid Russian model to love. Jana:It's 9:30 pm. Lexi:Guest bedrooms are downstairs. "Everybody goes to their own rooms" Shawn:Guys let's sleep. Gavi:Yeah. Neymar:Yeah It's late. Michael:I agree. "The next morning" "The boys drive to lexi's house" Madison:Ok the boys are on their way here. Emerald:So lexi I think you and messi should make plans. Lexi:Don't you think it's too soon. Caleigh:Who cares.Cristiano can be jealous all he wants.You deserve to be happy. Lexi:Thanks-Omg I forgot that today is the soccer awards ceremony! "They rush to get ready and the boys get ready" Gavi:Guys come on we're gonna be late! "They rush into the car and they arrive at the soccer ceremony" Pele:I am retiring from soccer but being known as the best soccer player in the world for the men that made me feel so special.And now we will pick cards. "Pele picks a card and reads the name" Pele:Will lexi come up please? "The audience applauds so loud" Cristiano:Wow she looks gorgeous. Irina Shark:Who? Cristiano:Uh you! Irina Shark:Aw thanks baby! Lexi:I just wanna say thank you to all of you.There is one guy that changed my life as a kid. "Lexi picks a card" Lexi:Will lionel messi please come on stage please. Emerald:Here it comes. Michael:Emerald there not gonna kiss yet. "Lionel messi kisses lexi and hugs her" Emerald:Told you! Michael:On the cheek. "Alexis and jana and madison come on stage" Pele:Ok one of you girls pick a card.Decided who will. Alexis:I will! Will cristiano come on stage ;/ . Irina Shark:Go baby!  "Cristiano comes on stage and lexi walks closer to Lionel Messi" Cristiano:Thank you so much everyone! "The ceremony ends and everyone walks out the door" Lionel Messi:Lexi. Lexi:Yeah? Lionel Messi:You seemed kinda annoyed with cristiano when he walked on stage. Lexi:He knows what he did to me. Lionel Messi:Hate to ask but what did he do? Lexi:He cheated on me with that russian model. Lionel Messi:I'm so sorry. Lexi:I'm not telling the world because I'm not evil. "Lionel messi kisses lexi" Caleigh:Sam when are you flying back? You missed the ceremony. Sam talking on Caleigh's phone:It's been busy.Your the best doctor we have here.I should be coming back in a few days. Caleigh:I gotta go. "She hangs up the phone and see's lexi and lionel messi" Caleigh:Omg! Emerald guys look! "Jana and madison and emerald and alexis come to caleigh and they giggle" "Couple hours go by" "Emerald calls the group chat" Madison:Hi guys! Jana:Hey! Alexis:Hi! Caleigh:Hello! Emerald:Lexi we saw you with messi! Lexi:Why do you call him messi? His real name is lionel. Caleigh:Messi sounds better! Jana:Yeah If he comes to our dinners i'm calling him messi! Madison:Me too! Alexis:Same! Lexi:If he asks you to call him lionel call him lionel. Emerald:Anyway did he call yet? Lexi:Not yet. Madison:I gotta go me and shawn wanna watch netflix. Caleigh:Yeah I need to call sam. Alexis:Bye guys! "Madison and Caleigh leave the group chat" Jana:Did you guys see Cristiano's face when you walked close to messi lexi? Lexi:No why? Alexis:He was so jealous! Emerald:Alexis when you saw his name on the card you looked mad! Lexi:That was funny! Alexis:For real! "Knock knock" Lexi:Guys I gotta go someones  at my door. Emerald:Bye! Jana:Bye! Alexis:See ya! "She hangs up and opens her door" Lionel Messi:Hey. Lexi:Hi. How do you know where i live? Lionel Messi:Your friends gave me your address. Lexi:Oh.Come in. "He comes in" "They sit on the couch and talk" Lexi:Omg i remember when those bullies dumped milk on you. Lionel Messi:i remember it like it was yesterday. "They kiss" "The next morning"  Caleigh:Yes sam I'm on my way to the airport. "The girls cry and say goodbye to caleigh" Emerald:Lexi? Lexi caleigh left but shes coming back in a couple days! girl come on open the door! "Lexi wakes up" "She gets dressed and opens the door" "They come in" Jana:Who was at your door yesterday? Lexi:Oh um.It was messi... Emerald:Omg! Alexis:Girl tell us details! Lexi:We just talked about the past.Like when we were little. Madison:You kissed him didn't you! Jana:Guys let her be. Lexi:I'm hungry.I haven't eaten any breakfast. "Alexis orders starbucks from doordash" Alexis:Our starbucks order is gonna be here in 5 minutes! Lexi:Thanks. How are the boys? Madison:They're good.Messi is on their team.They love him.As best friend of course. Lexi:That's cool! They have a game tonight.We should go! Emerald:Yes! "Knock Knock" Alexis:That must be our starbucks order! "Alexis opens the door and takes their order" "They eat and drink their drinks" "at 5:30pm they get ready to go to their boyfriends game" "They arrive" Shawn:Messi shoot it! "Messi shoots the ball into the goal" Neymar:YES! Gavi:OMG YES! Michael:WE WON! Lionel Messi:Woohoo! "The girls scream" Emerald:Good job Babe! Michael:Thank you! Jana:You're so good! Neymar:Aw thanks babe! Lionel Messi:Hey. "Lexi kisses him" Lexi:I love you. "3 hours later" Lionel Messi:Were dating right? Lexi:Yes. Caleigh:Sam? Sam:Yeah? Caleigh:We're gonna need to renovate our building.  "Emerald and Michael pack their bags and go on a flight"  "Lexi and Lionel Messi get ready for the o'ballon awards" "Everyone takes a seat" Shawn:You ok? Madison:I just feel bad for lexi.Cristiano is here and she feels guilty for cristiano because she is now dating lionel.Well actually i like calling him messi. Shawn:Why does she feel bad? He cheated on her with a stupid russian model. Besides she looks weird anyway. Madison:I know right! Jana:Neymar? Neymar:Yeah? Jana:Is your ex staring at you? Neymar:Yes.Don't worry just ignore her. "Messi walks on stage and Cristiano stands next to him" Alexis:Gavi you're up! "Gavi stands up and Neymar does too" Pele:I must say you gentlemen have impressed me and your coaches. And messi i must say you find yourself a heck of a soccer player. She scored 190 goals last season! Lionel Messi:I know i'm very impressed. I have known her since we were children.But she fell in love with someone else.  "A curtain opens and lexi walks on another stage"  O'ballon Announcer:Lexi i love your dress!  Lexi:Thank you i made it myself!  O'ballon Announcer:It's pink feathers! Anyway you scored 190 goals last season! Lexi:I don't think that's a lot.  O'ballon Announcer:No one made this much! "The audience applauds"   O'ballon Announcer:Cristiano would you come over here? I would love for you to have a picture with you and lexi! Cristiano:Sure! "He walks over and stands next to lexi" Sam:Caleigh? Caleigh:What? Sam:We have 20 minutes until we land. Caleigh:Ugh were missing the O'ballon! Sam:Do you smell fire? Caleigh:I think it's coming from-OH NO!

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