Meeting the Guard

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It was 2 hours since that asshole tripped me and ruined the gala. Sure, I was pissed, but I didn't really care. I wanted to get out of there and I don't give a fuck about what those rich arrogant people think, they'll forget in a day.

My mom wasn't there to see what happened. Thank goodness for that, but now I have to meet with her and my new personal guard.

I changed into sweats and a t-shirts. Something my mother likes to call 'not appropriate for a princess.' I knew I shouldn't push her buttons, especially since she's going to find out sooner or later, but right now, I don't really care. It's just my guard and I don't feel like getting dressed nicely, especially for him.

I haven't met him, but I've hated all my guards. They make me feel so uncomfortable. They're always there and nothing I say or do gets to be private, which is something I value highly.

I walked down the stairs and into the huge living room.

There they were. I could see my mom but not my personal guard. His back was facing me and he was laughing with my mother. I hardly see her laugh anymore, not since my father died.

"Hi!" I was going to give this my all, with my biggest fake attitude. I was good at these and I wasn't going to let down my mother. "I'm the princess, but you can just call me Aria. There's no need for formalities. Nice to me..." He turned around.

It was him. The gala-ruining tripper.

He smirked. "Was your wine dress not comfortable for you?"

"You! The gala tripper. You're my guard?"

"Oh princess, you're the wine bather? I got you mixed up with all the other self absorbed rich brats in the room."

My mom looked really confused. "So you guys have met?"

Whatever his name was was going to say something so I quickly interrupted. I didn't want my mom to know. Correction, I couldn't let her know. If this guard messes this up, all my efforts to impress her would have been a waste of time.

"We met.... briefly."

He gave me a weird look.

"Great. Aria this is Xavier, your new guard."

"I know."

"Great. Aria why don't you show him around."

"I'd rather not."

"Aria, what did we talk about earlier."

"Fine." I huffed out. "Let's go."

"You really think your entitled enough to boss me around?"

I didn't break eye contact, I never do. "Well I am your boss."

Now that we were here, I looked at him, studied his features. He was tall and lean. With muscles that I could see through the shirt and beautiful green eyes. His dark brown hair was messy and fell in light waves on his forehead.
He wasn't bad looking at all.

He laughed in a 'I'm making fun of you' type of way.

"You're not my boss."

"What am I then?" I said, challenging him.

"You're the immature princess I need to take care of, just like a child." He didn't even take a second to think about that.

"I don't need a guard."

"Is that right? Well Aria, " He leaned down and whispered, so only I could hear. "If it wasn't my job, I'm sure you would be fine. It would be a quick death if the rebels got you. They wouldn't want to keep a stuck up brat with them for long."

"It's Princess to you." I completely ignored the last part. He was trying to rile me up, get under my skin and in my head. Make me mad and lose my temper again. I wasn't going to let him.

"Ok, princess." It was clear he was mocking me.

I was about to say something, but my mother stopped me. "Enough Aria."

I stayed quiet.

"Aria I expect you to behave. He's one of the best guards in the country. You'll be safe with him."

I laughed. "Best guard? What an achievement!"
If he wanted to mock me, I'd mock him.

My mother glared at me. "Aria, show him around. And I better see some changes in attitude. Am I understood?"

I was going to say something back but argued against it. "Yes, mother."


"Right this way, gala-ruiner."

"Lead the way, wine bather."

I just glared at him  and pulled him through the door.

Well, this was going to be interesting.

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