New World

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The atmosphere is grim. The tension in the air is high. I can practically feel the heavy pressure near me. Just what is this danger I am sensing? Whatever it is it seems far worse than any opponent I faced during war against the angels. Could it be-

<Stop fooling around master and complete your work, otherwise your fear will really come true tomorrow morning when Shuna comes to check on you> scolded Ciel.

Fine fine I got it! Geez Just give me a break already. 

Even though I said that, there was no helping it. If I didn't extinguish this pile of white misery by tomorrow, I may not make it to see the sunset....

And so, I braced my fragile heart and geared up for the bumpy ride ahead when-

"Rimuru! I am bored! Play with me!" 

Came a loud voice from behind me. But that was not before another sound came in my ears. A very familiar sound. In fact I heard that sound every time before hearing this voice. That was the sound of shattering glass.

"Milim you broke through the window again, didn't you?" I said calmly, keeping my anger from appearing on my face.

"Ah that.... It was not me. It was.... um... it was the wind" replied Milim.

"Why can't you use the door like a normal person would!? Ugh. This is the tenth time yo have broken that window in the last month. No sweets for you till you learn how to use a door!" I shouted, bursting out all at once.

"B-but-" said Milim, looking at me with cute puppy eyes.

"No buts"

Kuku You should have known by now your tricks don't work on me. I have cuteness immunity!


Yeah yeah I know. But wait, this can be my great escape opportunity!

"Hey Milim, do you want to go to a new world to have fun?" I asked in a cute voice.

<Master that's....>

"Of course! That's what I came here for! Frey has been too strict on me recently. She said I won't get to play again till I can calculate on my own how many apples each person would get if there are ten apples and 3 people! That's just too much!" said Milim, jumping around.

"We both have it rough, don't we?" I said, trying my best to sympathize with Milim. 

"Yeah you tell me! Why does she expect me to be able to solve such a difficult question on my own!" 

Yes that's it. Now that I have Milim on my side, I can escape the bs work and play around again! Last time I made a promise to Milim that I will take her to another world for various reasons. Hey Ciel, you won't let my promise go to vain right? 

<..... That's right master. I can't let your reputation degrade like this. I will allow you to go this time>

YAY! Mission successful!

"Alright then Milim. Let's-"

"What are you doing here Milim? I told you you can't leave without solving that question!" came another voice.

"But I-"

"No buts!" said Frey and started dragging Milim away.

NOOOOO!!!!!!  This can't be happening.

"Um Frey san, perhaps you should go easy on Milim this time. She really is trying her best to-"

"Not happening. I have been trying to drill basic mathematics in her head for ten years now but she is isn't making any progress at all. If I don't get strict with her then she will never learn" said Frey in an adamant voice.

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