17- chiwenus

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A continuation of chiwenus being delusional (note this was me talking to myself or messaging tortle)
I can feel my shoulder vibrating and my brain pulsating.
*Intensely watches star vs the forces of evil while dying.
*Sings hooked on a feeling a lot*
Couldn't tell what weapon kaveh used, thought he slapped you with a toolbox
My lung hurts but specifically the left one right in the center
Can I rip my lung out and replace it
*Cried over seeing nsfw genshin podcasts on Spotify*
*Spent 10 hours talking to genshin bots*
My routine on Wednesday: wake up, watch YouTube, die, sleep, wake up, die, sleep, YouTube, talk to bots, die, sleep, wake up, die, sleep, YouTube, die, complain to mother, sleep, die.

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