Chapter 4

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Myrina POV

We need to get out of here."

"Your joking right." Taylor says with her arms crossed, with a questioning look on her face.

"Does it look like I'm joking?" I say back a little aggressive. Checking the room for a way out.

"Myrina, maybe you should re-think this out. Did you forget that we literally tried to out run them?" Taylor yells trying to reason with me.

"Let me get this straight Taylor." I turn around giving Taylor my attention. "You want me to sit here and not try and get back home." I point around the the whole room. "I don't know about you but I'm planning on graduating. And that ass wipe of a human being is not going to stop me or try to control me." I walk past her towards the door. I pull on it and it doesn't move. So I pushed the door instead.

"Amiée please help her see reason she's acting ridiculous, being here can't be that bad." Taylor sighs as I hear a flop onto something.

"Myrina it's not going to open." Amiée says. I ignore her. As I struggle with this stupid door. I start banging on it. "Myrina look at me." A hand touches my shoulder I just shrug it off pulling at the door. I won't stay here this is kidnapping we been fucking kidnapped and they just want to be sitting ducks.

"Myrina." Amiée turns me around to look at her. Holding my shoulders with worried filled eyes. "Rina if we want to leave here alive we need to be level headed. This isn't like you, calm down breathe." I nod, letting her lead me to the couch. "Breathe in." I slowly inhale. "now let it out slowly." I exhale sitting on the couch. We did this for what feels like 10 minutes until I was calm.

"What are we going to do then." I asks, silent just fills the room. I look at Taylor she shrugs not really caring. I turn to look at Amiée she just gives me a sad smile. I nodded, guess it's up to me. I lay my head back thinking of different ways to escape. We could use the drapes and climb out the window. Depends on how far the drapes will actually go down. I stand up pacing the room.

"Myrina what are you doing?" Taylor questions, I snap my head up giving here my attention. I send her a small smile. "We could leave if we make a deal with them?" I say, but it comes out more as a question.

"What could we offer them that they don't already have Rina." Amiée says, gaining my attention.

"It has to be something with great value."
I start back pacing the room. What could get us out of here. They clearly not lacking brains or beauty. What could they possible want more, that I haven't seen. His rules was, don't try to escape, and to never lie to him. Those ridiculous rules are not going to help. I sit in a chair, pulling at a small piece of my hair. Then it hit me, play their little game and once an opportunity opens we'll take it. I just need an ally to help with a way out. Those guards could be trouble to, they didn't even try to help.

I let go of my hair smiling at my friends. I sit in the middle of them and start telling them my idea. They both nod a little worry in their eyes. "This could work, but who would we actually trust?" Amiée questions. "That's the only problem we would have, we need to trust ourselves to pick the perfect person for this plan. Someone that knows this place like the back of their hands. Someone who is not connected to them.."

They don't seem to confident in my plan so I wait until they nod in agreement. They seem deep in thought. I grab there hands giving it a squeeze for assurance. They look at each other than at me and sends smirks my way. I send them a huge grin back. "Rina if the plan goes left you have to promise we let it go." Amiée says. Gripping my hand, with a serious look on her face.

"I promise Meme, I'll leave it alone if anything goes wrong." I say quickly.

"So we're really doing this." Taylor says hugging her self.

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