Chapter 1: Introduction

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Haha, okay, confession. I SUCK at writing. Like actually am so bad. But I'm gonna try anyway bc I can never actually admit to be a failure (technically I just confirmed it but oh well, I'm still here aren't I). So yeah, imma try my best. If you actually read this, pls tell me what I can do to make it better lmao. Anyway, here you go!!
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The first thing I learned, when going to university, is that no one actually cares what you do, or what you look like. They all have a life of their own. The second thing was that the high school idiots grew up, into adult idiots. Also that it's so much better to ignore them all together.

The only people who actually care about what your doing is your friends. Don't ask me what that's like, I can't tell you. My best friend is probably the dog next door. He likes ham and chicken. I'm fairly sure he only likes me because of the chicken.

People aren't my strong point. Apparently, according to my mother, I used to talk all the time. I realised that no one was listening, and gradually stopped talking.

At the age of Nine, my parents started leaving frequently for work trips, so it wasn't like I was going to talk to them everyday. Dinner most nights consisted of microwave boxes from the supermarket. How appetising.

By eleven, i could cook my own dinner. While my parents being away gave me confidence, it made me lonely. Lonelier than I realised at first. To distract myself, I worked hard in school. Occupying my time with school and homework. It's what got me through hardest time, middle school.

The first time I told myself that I wasn't worthy, was when I was twelve. My parents had just left for yet another flight somewhere and I started to wonder if they loved me. Was I worth their time? The thoughts overwhelmed me and one thing led to another, and soon I was making comments about my body. Any and all flaws I could find.

Six months later, my parents finally noticed a change in my behaviour. My mum, who was worried, booked me into a doctor. Just like that, anorexia, anxiety and depression.

At first it was simple thoughts that could be sorted out by a simple visit to the doctor. But soon enough, it got worse.

I was checked into many hospitals. But no matter what they said to me, my mind was made up about me and my body.

I had a few shitty boyfriends, who simply over looked my mental health and wanted me for my body. I realise now that I should have dumped them sooner.

And that basically sums it up. My parents eventually started leaving for the business trips again, but we called almost every night. It was different this time, I didn't question if they loved me or not.

All I wanted was for me to love myself. Was it too much to ask?
Haha, yep. Okay. If you're reading this, thank you. I promise I'll try my best to upload as much as possible. Anyway, hope you liked this chapter. It was kinda an introduction ig. I wrote it in class today so it's probs trash. But oh well. Byee :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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