Chapter 1: Define "Normal," Please...

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The door opened as their teacher walked in and took the front of the podium and everyone's attention, just as the bell rang. Amongst the few widened eyes and slightly dropped jaws, he let out a sigh.

In a word, he was huge. The bull mask he wore made him easily recognizable. The Great Gozu, former Ultimate Wrestler and a graduate of the 69th Class.

He gestured to a girl in the front row, with messy blonde hair and harnesses strapped around her uniform (everyone shared the same thought as to who in their right mind would even do that).

In the place of a reply, she recoiled at the teacher's attention. "Ehhh?! Me?"

A slight glare from Gozu caused her to shrink as she silently complied, "O-Okay...stand up!"

Everyone heard her command and stood up at once.


The class bowed to the teacher while the teacher bowed to the class.

"S-Sit down!"

All students of Class 78-B sat down in their seats. The teacher remained standing at the podium as he addressed the class, "Welcome to Class 78-B. I am the Great Gozu, former Ultimate Wrestler and alumnus of the 69th Class. But please, just call me Gozu," to which some of the students snickered.

"Ah, that's the Great Gozu?" a tanned girl with a yellow jacket and silver hair whispered to the student next to her, "Wow, Atua has made our teacher especially big!" In place of a reply, she only made a low moan and fell asleep.

"Now, as your new homeroom teacher, I would like each and every single one of you to be introduced to the class. I want this class to be united like a family, you hear me?"

He pointed to someone in the back row, a tall boy with a green cap and a black mask, "You! Why don't you introduce yourself? Name, talent, maybe something interesting about yourself?"

"Very well, then." With that, the boy in question stood up. "Hello, everyone. I am Korekiyo Shinguji, the Ultimate Anthropologist. It is a pleasure to meet you all."

"Anything you'd like to share about yourself?" Gozu asked.

Korekiyo shook his head in response, "I prefer to remain silent on personal matters."

Gozu stared at him for a bit before moving onto a twin-tailed girl, "Why don't you introduce yourself? Then we'll continue from there."

The girl in question stood up, "I am Maki Harukawa, the Ultimate Child Caregiver, even though I don't really like children that much."

"Really?" the wrestler questioned, glancing down at the roster he had. "It says here that you're the Ultimate A-"

"Ultimate Child Caregiver," Maki pressed.

"Okay, okay! Next!"

The boy next to Maki was more of the opposite, peppy and upbeat. "Hey! I'm the Kaito Momota, famous even in space! That's right, I'm the Ultimate Astronaut!"

"Who?" a boy with green hair asked, "I don't think I've heard of you."

"Eh...well, I'm going to be famous in space! I'm already in the training program, you know!"

"Ah, but Atua says you have to be in college first!" said the girl in the yellow jacket, her silver hair swaying as she turned to face the boy.

"Well, I still got into the training program by-" Unfortunately, he was cut off by Gozu.

"I'm sure that's an interesting story for later, Momota," Gozu reassured. The next student, a girl with blue hair and glasses, took this cue to introduce herself.

Noctem: A Danganronpa V3 Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن