~Part 1~

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My head raced as I walked up the stairs to my grandma's house as I opened the door I found them screaming at each other,
By them I mean my uncle Ayaan and my grandma, they are fighting again.

"Salam ma" I said "Salam" mum said back and disappeared inside, I went to my aunt Iman and asked her "What happened this time, why are they fighting again" "The usual about him working with Ali at the shop" she said right I should have guessed.

My uncle isn't the type to commit to one job and every time my grandma asks him if he can help my other uncle Ali in the shop he gets all mad not wanting to go, he is also involved in some gang stuff which annoys my grandma so much.

My family is kind of messed up.

"Layla" my mum called out to me "Yes" "Come here for a bit" "coming" I replied.
I got up and went up to her
"Can you pick an outfit for your sister I wanna give her a quick shower and also an outfit for your brother, we have some guests coming over for dinner, you should also get ready" she told me "okay I will but who are the guests" I asked "Some of your uncle Ayaan's friends" she said

That's weird usually when friends of my uncle come we girls aren't allowed to enter the living room "okay, what time are they coming" I asked "At 7pm" she said
It was 3:30 now I still have 3 and half hours left to get ready.

I picked out an outfit for my sister and brother then I went to my aunts room "Hey aunt what are you guys going to be wearing" I asked "Long shirt and wide pants or some long dress" aunt Iman replied "Yea you should also get dressed in something like that" aunt Ayah said "Okay but where's aunt Dina" I asked "Still at work she'll be here soon" aunt Ayah said " okay I'm going to pick an outfit out from your clothes" I said "Okay don't be late " aunt Iman said

I put a thumbs up for her and went to her room so I can pick something to wear
After looking for a while I settled on black wide pants and a long white blouse on top with a black hijab.
I looked at the time and it was 4:30,
Oh I still have some time to spare, I should finish reading The Hunger Game book while I wait.

"Layla your not ready yet, get up come on get ready" mum came into the room I'm in and said, I looked at the time, oh it's 6:20 yeah I should start getting ready now "Okay I'm getting up now I won't be long mum" I told her "Okay don't take long"
She left and I started getting ready.

Once I finished getting Dressed I decided to put some mascara and lipgloss on and that's it I looked at the time now, oh I didn't know it took me this long to get ready, it was already 7:05 now I should go to the living room before my mum starts calling me,
While walking down the stairs I heard unfamiliar voices, I guess the guest have arrived, I should hurry.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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