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Sorry for the long wait.. I was having a bit of a thing going on so here's chapta 4! Enjoy! Warning to head phone users :p

Pic of Shiro->
Song- Exist By Nano

Zero POV

I spin my pen around my fingers as our homeroom teacher, Mai Kurami writes down some math equations on the board. She looked like she was in her mid-twenties. She had plain black hair and for some odd reason, wore a lab coat....even though her main subjects were English and Maths.

The problem with the class is nothing but the fact that an unhealthy sense of competition began between me, Shiro and Tai. Mai sensei gave us a test to assess our knowledge and I came out first tied to Tai and Shiro. To make it worse, it seems no one wants to be friends with me, fearing the fact that Shiro might pull them into this. My only choices are either becoming friends with Tai or Shiro and I know I can't get anywhere with someone like Shiro.

Why am I so obsessed with wanting a friend? Easy, assassin 101: Keep your friends close and the enemy is bound to follow. Basically, make allies just encase.

"Okay, finish these word problem just like I showed you and give me your work when you're done, if any problems, just raise your hand. Once you complete this, we'll start standard poetry. Now begin!" Mai Sensei says while she paces by everyone, watching their progress.

I look at the questions on the board. I open my character stats and check if I need anything increased.

Attack: 87 Defence: 52 Endurance: 72

Dexterity: 22 Intelligence: 120 Wisdom: 45

Remaining points: 10

I close the stat window and open my skill window and activate my -Speed skill-. I look down on my paper and close my eyes for a second, hearing my pen scratching paper. 5mins in and I look at my handy work, all questions answered to the fullest. I wait 15 mins before submitting my work, Tai follows a minute after and Shiro 30seconds after Tai.

The day passed with me finishing my work using the speed skill and Shiro just becoming more and more competitive. Like there is a limit, and she just crossed it. Heading to the cafeteria, running laps during Physical Ed. Worse of all, getting to the bathroom! Come on, get a grip woman is what I want to say but if a person can get someone like me with a -Death intent- level 80 (Improved bloody intent version 3) in one day, I think it's better to leave it at that. By the end of school, Shiro cooled down to a point where she made it plainly obvious that she was becoming just beyond obsessed. It's surprising how she even got friends while I'm here waiting for an opportunity to get along with Tai. So far, I got his number.....according to him; it means we're 'acquainted' in a way....

I head to the back of the school and place my bag inside my inventory and pull out my bike, doing a few stretches before I head towards the gate until Shiro shows up out of nowhere. "I don't get it. What are you?" She asks, rubbing her chin.

"Pardon? " I reply.

"I mean, how? The entire day passed and I've seen you finish your task in a matter of 5 minutes. No human can be that fast and today morning before the ceremony, you suddenly turned al red before we got over the gate. It just doesn't add up.....What are you?"

This was bad, no one and I'm completely sure, is able to see me use my devil powers/aura unless I decrease my power to level a normal persons understanding. IT WAS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL AND I'M ALREADY BEING QUESTIONED!

I sigh, "I don't know what you're talking about, and I have always finished my work as early as possible. 13 minutes is my maximum work time!"

She looks at me unconvinced. She opens her bag and lifts a note book; it was my maths note book. "Sensei told me to pass it on when I get a chance and the fact that you finished this work in 5 minutes and get them all right!" She says waving it around my face. I snatch the note book and put it on my bike.

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