Chapter 5.

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A half hour later we pull up to the local motel. I was beyond exhausted and all i wanted to do was throw myself onto the bed and sleep. On the way here Kozik kept pinching my left thigh to make sure I was still awake. I kept leaning into him more and more and at one point I'm pretty sure I did fall asleep. 

When we pulled in and parked, I hopped off the bike and took off the helmet as i started for the front desk. Kozik grabbed my wrist and said "you're not going in there. Happy will grab us the rooms. You are not to be out of our sites until your brother meets us and we know more of what's going on." I rolled my eyes at him and said "yea, ok," as I handed him back his helmet.  Kozik just smirked at me and kept his hand on my wrist. Once we saw Happy leaving the office,  Kozik let go of my wrist as i made my way to Happy. 

"Bad news kids." Happy said

"Oh man. I don't think I can ride anywhere else. I'll sleep in the damn parking lot if I have to." They both started to laugh at me as I whined. "Guys this isn't funny, I'm too damn tired for whatever bad news Happy has."

"Relax little Quinn. The bad news isn't that bad. They have one room left for the night, but there is only one bed." He said.

 "Oh, uh o... ok." I started to stutter and felt my face get hot. I knew I was blushing and I know they could see it in the dim lighting of the lot.  

"Let's get to the room. We can figure out the sleeping arrangements once we get inside." Kozik said

"I'm not staying. I'm going to head back to the house." 

"Why?" I asked Happy. He looks just as tired as I do.   
"I gotta make sure Frankie didn't wake up and somehow get out of the bindings I left him in. And I'm gonna start cleaning up."

"I thought you took care of him before we left." Kozik stated

"I did. Jax and Rane want him alive to question further." Happy told us. "It's room 12 on the second floor. Here's the key and don't do anything I would do."

Both Kozik and I started to laugh as he grabbed my bags and made our way to the room. By the time we made it up the flight of stairs, Happy left the lot to make the ride back to my house. I felt bad for the handsome biker. 

"He'll be ok. He lives for the torture."

"How about sleep? He looks just as tired, if not more than us."

"Happy is a man you don't want to piss off. Frankie, Gogo and Greg the Peg hurt our family. Happy doesn't  take too kindly to that. As you can tell, no one in any of the Charters like when brothers go against brothers and their families. Once Happy knows he gets to torture someone, it's over. No coffee or energy drink can compare to the energy he gets before the torture."Kozik said as we walk into the room. 

"Thank you." I said as I took off his hoodie and handed it to him. "I'm going to shower and then fall into bed."

"Ok beautiful."

Grabbing my bag I walked into the bathroom and lightly pushed the door to close. Looking around the bathroom, I noticed it was very clean for an off the beaten path motel that hookers probably use. Turning on the water, I turned it to boiling. I still couldn't get the feeling of that sleazball Frankie Diamonds hands on me. I undressed and got in. I stood under the shower head until the water started to run cold.  

I turned off the water and grabbed the towel that was hanging next to the shower drying off before stepping out. I wrapped the towel around and opened the bag to see what I actually packed before Frankie happened. I was able to find a loose muscle tank with a sports bra attached and boy shorts. After getting dressed, I walked out of the bathroom and noticed the room was empty but the door to outside was wide open. 

"Kozik?" I asked walking to the door. Nothing. Stepping out onto the walkway, I looked left then right and saw no one. Walking back into the room I started to close the door but it abruptly stopped. 

"WHAT THE FUCK!!?" I screamed backing away from the door. 

"It's me beautiful." Kozik tells me while walking in slowly with both his hands up in surrender.

"Jesus Kozik! You can't scare me like that."

"I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to frighten you. I thought I would be back before you got out of the shower."

"Where did you go?" I asked looking at his hands as he was putting down some water and snacks. 

"Just to the vending machine outside the office. While you were in the shower, Happy called and said Frankie was still out cold and that he was getting ready to clean everything up."

"That's good. I'm glad he didn't wake up and take off before he got back. So, um, what do we do now?" I asked. 

"Well, for starters, take this bottle of water and bag of chips and get your cute ass in that bed. You need some rest, we have a long day tomorrow."

I did my best salute and grabbed the water and chips from him and made my way to the bed. 

"Um, Kozik?" Where are you going to sleep? Asking a little sheepishly. "Are you going to stay up?"

"No. The door and windows are locked. I'll take the floor. I'm a light sleeper."

"Nonsense. You are not sleeping on this floor. The bed is big enough."

"Y/N. I'll sleep on the floor. I've slept in worst places while I was serving. Besides this floor can't be that bad, can it?"

"I will not take no as an answer." I said with the meanest face I could muster at 3am. "You and Happy came from the clubhouse to help someone you don't even know tonight. Just stay on your side of the bed, don't try any funny business, and your dick will stay intact. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am." He smirked as he saluted me. I giggled a little as I took a sip of water. 

While taking a sip of water I watched as Kozik placed his knife and gun on the nightstand and place his kutte and holster on the back of the chair. Next came his shirt. I knew he toned when I had my arms wrapped around him on the bike, but actually seeing him shirtless? Damn! What I would give to be able to have my nail marks going down his back. 

While i was daydreaming about getting destroyed by Kozik, I forgot that I was still drinking my water, spilling some on myself as I realized I was staring. Looking away from Kozik, I put the water down on my nightstand and started to wipe my chest. 

"You were staring, weren't you?" He asked. 

"Uh, what makes you think that?" Still wiping away water. 

"Well for one. You spilt more water than you think." I looked further down and there's a trail of water from between my breasts to my belly button and you can see it through the shirt. "And two. Your face is a red as a tomato." He said smirking. 

"I was not. I just have a hole in my mouth apparently. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sleep now. It's been a very long night." And with that, I turned on my side to face the bathroom and turned off my light. 

I heard some more shuffling and felt the bed dip beside me. The room got dark except for a little sliver of moonlight creeping in through the small gap in the curtains. 

Kozik was still trying to get comfortable a couple minutes later before I rolled over and said "if you don't stop moving, I'm going to smother you with my pillow."

"What happened to staying on our sides of the bed? You just rolled over to my side and left me with only five inches left of space."

"Who said anything about our sides. I said for YOU to stay on your side, and if that means you have five inches, then you have five inches." I snapped back.

All of a sudden I heard him growl then pick me up and toss me to my side of the bed. I giggled out "what the hell Kozik?"

"No more bratty attitude from you beautiful. Go to sleep."  

I complied and turned on my side to face the bathroom again. Once I got comfortable I turned my head, "goodnight Kozik."

"Goodnight beautiful. Get some sleep."  

And with that I turned my head back and started to fall into a deep and restful sleep. 

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