Lena, Jake and Lily

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Lily's heart raced as she ran through the deserted streets of the town. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Damien, and the cruel fate that had befallen him. She felt a sense of despair wash over her, knowing that she had lost the one person who had ever truly understood her.

She knew that she had to leave the town and get as far away as possible. But she also knew that she couldn't do it alone. She needed someone who could help her, someone who could protect her from the evil that lurked in the shadows.

As she ran, she caught sight of a small church at the edge of town. It was an old building, with a spire that seemed to reach towards the sky. She felt a sudden urge to enter, as if the church could offer her some kind of refuge from the madness that had overtaken the town.

She pushed open the heavy wooden doors and stepped inside. The church was quiet, with rows of wooden pews lining the aisles. She walked towards the altar, where a small crucifix hung above a marble statue of the Virgin Mary.

As she knelt in front of the altar, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. For the first time in days, she felt like she was in a safe place.

But her sense of calm was short-lived. As she rose to her feet, she caught sight of movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned to see a group of hooded figures standing at the back of the church, their faces obscured by the darkness.

Lily's heart began to race as she realized that she was not alone. She backed away from the altar, her eyes fixed on the figures at the back of the church.

Suddenly, the figures began to move towards her, their footsteps echoing through the empty church. Lily felt a sense of panic wash over her, as she realized that she was trapped.

She turned to run, but one of the figures caught her by the arm, pulling her back towards the altar. She struggled against their grip, but they were too strong for her.

As they dragged her towards the altar, she caught sight of a small door at the side of the church. It was slightly ajar, and she realized that it was her only chance of escape.

With a burst of energy, she broke free from their grip and ran towards the door. She pushed it open and ran into a small room, which seemed to be a storage area for the church.

She caught her breath as she realized that she had evaded her pursuers. But she also knew that she couldn't stay there for long. She needed to find a way out of the town, and fast.

With a sense of determination, she pushed open a window and climbed out onto the roof of the church. She looked out over the town, her eyes scanning the darkened streets for any sign of life.

As she gazed into the darkness, she saw something that made her blood run cold. A group of hooded figures were making their way towards the church, their footsteps echoing through the deserted streets.

Lily knew that she had to act fast. She climbed down from the roof and ran towards the town square, where she had seen a car parked earlier that day.

As she reached the car, she fumbled with the keys, her hands shaking with fear. She finally managed to unlock the car and climbed inside, her heart racing as she turned the key in the ignition.

The engine roared to life, and Lily sped out of the town, leaving behind the horror and madness that had taken the life of Damien, and threatened to consume her as well.

Lily drove for hours, her eyes fixed on the road ahead as she tried to put as much distance between herself and the town as possible. She didn't know where she was going, but she knew that she couldn't go back.

As the sun began to rise, she pulled into a small gas station on the outskirts of a nearby town. She filled up the tank and went inside to pay, hoping to find some semblance of normalcy in the familiar surroundings of a gas station.

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