chapter -3

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I hobbled out of the washroom in the dress that Ash asked me to put on. It was a red mermaid dress. It had a good low neckline, and displayed my cleavage more than a normal dress would. It had a line of gemstones running from my left shoulder to hip and back to right shoulder from my hip. The dress was practically backless, it only had the gemstone line to my hip from shoulders to lower back in a loose cross, the article of clothing begin at the end of the gemstones. The dress had a golden shimmering border at the edges near my curves of waist and a slit opened at mid thigh of my right leg. The satin fabric and scarlet colour complimented each other perfectly. It was a beautiful dress but at same time it was just as revealing, not to forget the fact that it was clearly the most fanciest dress I've ever seen.

“Ohh. My. God!!!! Olly!!! You look stunning!!!” Ash gushed as she ran and hugged me tightly enough to cut my oxygen. I patted her shoulder while trying to get my share of air. She released me and again did her check while I stood there un comfortably fidgeting over my place looking at the dress I wore, in regular intervals.

“Uhh… umm…. Ash… are you sure? You want me to wear this?” I furrowed my eyebrows in displeasure and distaste once I saw the contented look on her face.

“Yeah.” Her answer was short and dismissive. I knew I had no scope of an argument now.

“I haven't forgotten the trick you played yet!!” I mumbled complaining about her trick sulking at her, hoping she might let me wear something I liked at the mention of it but the look in her eyes shattered all my hopes.

“Hehe…. I'm sorry.” She smiled sheepishly and I was a minute away from searching the ways to kill your bestfriend without getting caught. She was a pain in my ass. She knew it all yet she played this trick.

“I don't love him anymore Ash… I've moved on.” I reckoned, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. I knew it was a lie and I knew she was aware of it as well, I knew she could see behind the mask I wore of not caring anymore about him. She peeked in my eyes intently, I was aware of  what she was searching for and I also knew I wouldn't let her see that.

“fine..” she huffed and moved towards a similar brown bag to the bag she gave me when she ordered me to try the dress. I raised one eyebrow at the bag when she reached over to me to hand it over to me. I gave her a confused look and then peeked inside the bag, to find a shoe box. I took the box out and opened it to find a pair of burgundy suede and gold rhinestone lace up heel pumps. I gave her a confused look at the discovery and she lifted her gown, which was very similar to mine just had a little less revealing done. After seeing what she was showing me I looked at her more confused.

“Twining!!!!” She shrilled raising her hand in air like a baby.

“You are unbelievable.” A surprised chuckle left my lips as I shook my head.

“Now com'on put them on.” She ordered and I obliged. As if you had any other option.


I entered the hall and was mesmerised by the decor and was beyond surprised at the size of the hall. It could easily fit more than give hundred people. The decor was in gold and red, typical Ash… There were two staircases at two ends of the hall leading to floor one. The hall had good marble flooring and a huge chandelier. I tried not to ogle at the chandelier as it gave the entire hall a royal vibe. I felt like I was in a novel about a billionaire.

I proceeded into hall and I had never felt so ill at ease in my entire life, the way I felt it now. I hated the fact that I felt my body on display for others to ogle at, however it was clearly covered decently. I felt that all the eyes in the party were on me and it practically made me sick and to add insult to injury the whispers surrounded me like the blanket of stars covered the space.

I ran my eyes in the entire hall to find the people who could bring me at ease, and found them after a little struggling with random faces blocking my vision.

My family stood at the very corner with Ash and Lawrence, maybe congratulating them on their big day and maybe whining over my still status. It's not like that I never tried to get in a relationship it's just that shit never worked out in my favour, but who'd bother to tell them that their daughter had her heartbroken at a very naive age just because she befriended with a snake and it never healed completely so she could never have a successful relationship with someone.

Snapping out of my thoughts I prodded in their direction picking up a glass of champagne on my way. I will need it tonight more than ever.

“Olly! Darling you look mesmerising!” My mother's cheerful voice pulled their attention on me and I visibly flinched.

“Uhh… thankyou mum” I smiled awkwardly at her. I looked in the direction of my brother and father who seemed pretty upset at my dress.
“Ash threw my dress and forced me to wear it.” I explained and their disapproving gaze turned to Ash.
“What?… She looks amazing!” She exclaimed and shrugged like this would ease them.

“You-” “Congratulations Lawrence for your engagement.” I cut my brother's remark short before it could come out and these two started to argue over a dress. It was a lame attempt to shut those two for time being but i still played my cards with it.

“Thank you.” He gave me a polite smile which I returned with a grateful one. Lawrence and I had never been close to each other but it was nice to see that he still understood and helped me.

After a few minutes of some random talk which I gladly ditched, my family scattered, meeting the guests. Dad had some associates to greet, mom accompanied him and my brother left us saying he needed a refill and then not so discreetly joined his girlfriend and her family.

“You look heavenly, angel.” My heartbeat escalated to an inhuman rate when that voice made its way to my ears. I saw Ash going pale for a second and Lawrence beaming brightly, I knew the reason behind those reactions. I knew him very well, it was impossible for me to not recognise the owner of the voice, everything about him was vivid in my memories even after such a long time. His smell was still the same. His voice was similar however it was more deep now. how could it not be the first man I had fallen for. His soft breath caressed the bare skin of my neck and I realised how close he was to me.

I turned around hastily as a reflex and made a comfortable distance between us. It was the moment I saw him for the first time in 7 years and my heart froze.

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