part 1.

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Chris' eyes opened slightly as a stretch of sunlight hit his eyelids. After blinking a couple of times to get adjusted to the light coming out of his window and peering through the half open blinds, Chris felt pressure on his chest.

looking down at Jonathan's black hair laying upon the top half of Chris' torso, Chris felt the memories of last night flowing back to his half asleep state. Feeling the arm under Jonathan's body start to fall asleep, Chris tried to desperately move but as he was taking his arm from under the other man, Jon's arms tightened and brought his body even closer to Chris' (if it were even possible). As Chris found himself happily trapped with a sleeping Jonathan , he adjusted himself in bed so his arm wouldn't fall asleep and held half of the sleeping mans body above his.

in seconds, minutes or even hours (Chris wasn't so sure anymore as time wasn't as crucial with the naked man lying beside him), Broadbent felt the black haired man starting to stir from his sleep. his eyes gently opened as he lifted his head from Chris' shoulder, resting against the pillow.

After taking a couple of seconds to get adjusted to the unusual place and presence, Jon cracked open a half awake, soft smile as his eyes met Chris' dark ones.

"morning, Chris" Jons hoarse but delicate voice broke the comfortable silence, but even if he was hesitant it could ruin the sentimental and warm moment before, seeing Chris' soft smile widen just made him realise that he had nothing to worry about.

"morning, Jon." Jonathan's cheeks were painted with a light tone of pink from the way Chris said his name.

their gazes filled with love and adoration looking in each others eyes and as their hands touched just under the blanket covering their naked bodies, their smiles weren't being held back anymore. it slightly felt like the smiles had a mind of their own as they would keep changing through the seconds, moments and tender touches.

with laced fingers, Chris brought their hands up and he kissed Jon's knuckles. without even thinking properly about it, Jon closed his eyes and enjoyed the peaceful aura around the two men.

"Jonathan?" Chris' voice grabbed Jons attention and he opened his eyes, only to find Broadbent already staring at him. "I wanted to ask you something..." his whisper soft and almost ghost like, and Chris waited for Jon's little nod to keep going. "uhm... it'll probably sound ridiculous, but I don't want to read the situation wrong or feed unhealthy feelings, so i-i wanted to know if..." with pleading and helpless eyes, Chris looked at the handsome, breath-taking, gorgeous man in front of him and Jons delicate hand squish gave Chris the confidence he needed to drop the question. "do you want something else?" When the only answer Chris got was a frowned forehead, he thought he had to explain what he meant, so he did. "like, do you want to be something else? like, us? or was it just a... one-time thing?

As the question left Chris' lips, Jon wanted to laugh. Not just a giggle or a chuckle, but a full hearted laugh. it sounded so stupid to his ears  that was bothering the man hed been in love with for months, God, if he stopped to think, it would become actual years.

but as he looked at chris' eyes and he only found insecurity, fear, uncertain and doubt, Jon felt his whole body aching to hold the man in front of him.

"Erm... I've been in love with you for more than time can keep track of." Those sixteen words were enough for them. Jon still had so many more words, feelings and thoughts that he wanted to share with the love of his life... but that was enough for now. They knew they would still have all the time to share all of those deep feelings someday, even if somehow, they already knew what they truly felt for each other. so no more words needed to be shared.

their lips fixed together like two missing pieces of a puzzle and all their emotions were being put in this moment where there wasn't anyone else in the world, they've been able to share with someone. And they both knew that kisses like this would only exist between them because of their unconditional love.

As their lips separated form the kiss, neither Chris nor Jon could bring themselves to getaway. Their breaths melted together in the small space between their lips - where they could still feel the light brush of each others lips -, their eyes closed trying to make this moment last longer, their legs tangled under the warm blanket, their hands and arms gluing their bodies together and to anyone who looked at them, they would look like a beautiful, in-love couple resting or sleeping...

And that's what they were, a beautiful, in-love couple.

the morning after.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora