Hadrian's First Stuffie

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  Around 1650 words
-I changed the 4 Pivet Drive layout -Unknown Year, because no research
-This is far before Hogwarts, and their ages are mentioned
-Some pretty crap grammar and wrong vocabulary usage, I'm pretty sure
-Some change in character behavior, mainly Petunia Dursley
-I'm not sure of the schedule in the HP books for 4 Pivet Drive, so I just guessed
-idk which is right, stuffy or stuffie

    4 Pivet Drive, June 23rd, XXXX

It hadn't been a good day for little Harry, Dudley's little birthday party, which was just Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon celebrating so they could have a bigger party another day, and he had taken to using his birthday privilege to torment Harry. So far he had stomped down the stairs to wake Harry and get dust on him, knocked over his little plate of food, complained his own food was completely burnt and inedible (it wasn't at all), pushed him down the stairs, spilled juice all over Harry, pushed over a lamp and blamed Harry, got him slapped and beaten multiple times, and "somehow" managed to convince Petunia to give him more chores.
  It was currently 3pm (or 15:00) and Harry was just near tears. He had been shoved into the cupboard after Petunia had said he wasn't trusted to make anything specialized for their precious Dudley. He also wasn't allowed to celebrate with them or eat any of the dinner or cake.
   All that was left for him to do was sit and wait for them to be done and go to sleep, as he was a light sleeper.
  He was spooked back into his thoughts by a loud cheer. He had distantly heard the singing, but wasn't focused on it. He looked out of the little vents on the cupboard door. They had just given Dudley his very first present and he was in the process of destroying the wrapping and packaging. His fat fingers tearing into the box and ripping it open. He had gotten an entire set of toy cars and one single stuffed toy. Dudley had glanced at the stuffy for a second before casting it aside with a careless toss to the side before moving on to other presents.
Back to Harry, he would have more thoughts, but he was in wonder and awe. He had never seen such a beautiful item in his six years of life. He had seen many like it, when Dudley was younger and had been getting presents of similar things. He had stopped liking them, however, when he was four and Harry was three. Harry had quickly forgotten what the little toys looked like, and couldn't remember the appeal of one. This was Dudley's first stuffy gift in four years and he didn't even care, yet Harry just couldn't look away from the thing.
It wasn't anything special, probably just something Aunt Marge had lazily gifted him, but it looked perfect and pretty to Harry. It was just a medium stuffy of a golden retriever. It had floppy legs and a fuzzy, golden body. Harry could only really think of how soft it probably was and how it would definitely get no attention in the back of Dudley's closet or, worse, his second room.
It was at that moment, Harry had decided that he really, really, REALLY, wanted that doggy and he would try his best to get it in his possession.


4 Pivet Drive, June 24 XXXX
5:00 morning

Harry had woken up before everyone else, not that that wasn't normal, and had decided to plan out how to get the doggy. He looked out the ventilations in the door to look for it in the living room. Unsurprisingly, it wasn't there. He wouldn't have stolen in, they would have found out quickly, but it would just make him a bit more calmed to know it was in his vicinity. He decided on his plan an hour later and chose to go back to sleep.


4 Pivet Drive, June 24 XXXX,
9:00 morning

Harry had woken up to a strangely gentle tapping on the cupboard door. Even more strangely, and out of character, his Aunt Petunia had opened the door and softly told him to come out and make breakfast. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to react other than staring at her open mouthed, so he did what she asked. He made a full English breakfast. Then, just as he was about to put some bread in the toaster for himself, Petunia asked him to get another egg fried. At first,he was a little upset that he would have to do more work before eating, but then when he was done, she said he could put it on his plate. Her explanation was that Vernon and Dudley wouldn't be up for a while, so he could put their plates in the oven, which wasn't really an explanation. After he ate his slightly bigger than normal breakfast, he went on with his slightly smaller chore list.

    4 Pivet Drive, June 24 XXXX
    10:00 Morning (gettin sick of doin this)

Harry was going to put his plan to  the dog stuffy in motion. So, with him being done cleaning up around Petunia's flowers as his first chore of the day, he marched into the house after kicking off his shoes on the porch to rid of any dirt, then taking them off next to the door, he walked up to his Aunt Petunia and spoke. He spoke of how he behaved as a very good boy the other day, how he hadn't complained or cried when he was beaten, how he did all his listed chores and still found time to dust the living room, how he stayed silent in his cupboard during their celebration. Finally done giving his evidence of how he behaved well yesterday, he got on his knees in front of her, and begged for the little toy stuffy. He gave even more evidence of why he should have it, how it wouldn't be loved, how it would be cast away in the dark of a closet, how Dudley would never miss it, how Aunt Marge would never need to know, and how much he would love it.

Petunia Dursley based POV (I took an hour long break and have forgotten my style of writing in this part, probably the only POV that isn't HP based)

Aah, guilt. An upsetting feeling to have to many and a feeling that brings few realization. It was the latter feeling for Petunia Dursley on a fine summer morning. She had fallen asleep guilty and had woken up guilty. The only difference from last night to that morning was she had finally figured out why she felt the disgusting feel of guilt. It had clicked after she had a dream about Lily. Going into her pretty green eyes and retreating out to show Harry's, which were slightly greener. It was specifically the moment that had happened during the celebration. She could see his sparkling eyes when her Dudley opened the first gift and got out the stuffed animal. She had woken up and thought about why he might've been looking so... excited? She had yet to put the pieces together to know why he was excited, all she knew what that it had something to do with the dog.
  Anyways, seeing as it was time for her and Harry to get up, she had to go wake him up. She decided that since the other men weren't awake, she could be as gentle as she wanted. So she tapped on the door instead of slamming on it like Vernon recommended and did. He looked fairly confused for some reason, but got up anyways. He was also looking a bit too skinny, more so then usual, so she told him to make another egg for himself to go with his toast. With that done, they got to their chores, Petunia doing the ones Harry was too short, weak, or inexperienced to do.
    Just an hour later, Harry had come up to her. In her opinion, he looked as if he could cry at any moment but didn't. He also looked a little worried but she didn't care much about that part, just a little confused. Then, to her bewilderment, he started talking about how good of a boy he was (a little heartbreaking to Petunia when she heard it). She almost stopped breathing when he got on his knees and begged for the little dog stuffy. She was too shocked to stop him, so he kept on going. It took about 5 more minutes for him to tell her all the reasons and another 10 minutes for her to find the words to respond.
  She told him to stand up, then she knelt down to his short level. She gently told him to go sit on the living room sofa and wait for her. She watched him nod and go sit before walking upstairs to the second bedroom to retrieve the stuffy, that had already been thrown to collect dust. Walking back with dog, she thought about how sad the whole situation was pitiful and sad. When she got there she gave Harry the dog and hugged him while giving him a kiss on the top of his head, his forehead felt a little hot as well. She told him that she was going to take the rest of his chores and Harry could lay here with the dog and rest. He asked about Vernon and Dudley, to which she said that they would be told to stay out because Harry was sick. Harry shed a few tears. Petunia laid him told, covered him with a blanket, and told him to sleep. Harry would look back on this moment that gave him a new light for his Aunt Petunia, who maybe secretly loved him, even just a little bit.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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