Part 1

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Get up Nova~ Get up!

Nova woke up from someone yelling at them and looked around not remembering where they were or how they got there. Nova pushed themself off the ground, "What am I doing here," they quietly asked themself. When they got up they leaned their head on their hand because of a pounding headache.

After they sat back down on the ground and let their headache pass, since the world stopped spinning they started to understand their surroundings better. They were in the middle of the woods and had blood on their hands? Why do I have blood on my hands? They thought.

Nova looked a bit closer at their hands and realized the blood was fresh, fresh blood on my hands. They laughed thinking about it, but not because they thought it was funny, simply because they didn't know what else to feel. This was before Nova realized they weren't the one bleeding, they weren't harmed at all.

They saw in the distance something that looked like an abandoned farm and started walking towards it.

Nova got to the farm and went inside seeing something they didn't expect, a dead body. The legs were faced the wrong ways, the head was covered in blood, clothes were all scratched up. Blood and bruises littered all over their body, and their eyes were open; staring directly at Nova. Which brought back a memory to them, "I did this..." Nova whispered to themself and covered their mouth; forgetting the blood on it.

All the memories came flooding back of what happened that day, although Nova didn't kill anyone important, he's a bad guy; probably worse than they'll ever be. The guy Nova murdered was literally about to kill someone and they caught him before he was about to get to his next victim.

Nova continued walking through the abandoned farm to see if they could find water to wash the blood off their hands (and now face).

When they walked through it and found another door they went through it and found their truck; they went to the trunk and looked inside, there were materials to help them. I probably put this in here knowing I'd forget. They took out the soap and water and washed off their arms, then washed their face off with only water.

They got into their car after seeing if they left anything that would help the police find them; they didn't exactly care if the cops found them but they'd rather keep killing bad guys. "So, who's next one the list?" Nova asked themselves. They took their notebook out and crossed off the name of the guy they killed and looked at the next one in line. Elodie Harlow, they live North from here. Only 20 minutes, easy enough.

Nova went to where Elodie normally is and parked their car three blocks away, walking the rest to not be suspicious.

Well less suspicious.

They walked through the park looking for 'Dr. Harlow' going to the middle of the woods where she thinks she's hiding but not when someone has followed you there for 2 weeks. Like how do you not notice or hear someone following you through the woods for two whole weeks? That's how Nova knows they are a better 'villain' than others. And the fact that they haven't gotten caught in the 5 years they've been killing. As of right now on their list after Elodie there is only one more person they have to kill before they move places again.

Nova got to the stop Elodie always is and not to their surprise there she was sitting on the forest ground doing absolutely nothing. It annoys Nova how open Elodie is, how easy it was to kill her the last 14 times they followed her.

Nova got behind her, putting a cloth into her mouth and locking their legs around her waist not allowing her to move anywhere. "You know for such a bad guy you are really bad at watching things around you. Like people following you or protecting yourself." Nova laughed while making Elodie pass out.

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