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"I think you got them." Benji's whisper was muffled by the mask, but since he was only inches away, Garry certainly heard it.

"Yeah, well, you can never be too sure, you know?" 

Benji didn't know. And he wondered how Garry knew anything about gun combat. If it weren't for Garry's surprising skill with weapons and cool-headed attitude, they would have been dead the moment those soldiers had first pointed their rifles at them. Here they were, still breathing - inside uncomfortable, crooked gas masks, but now was not the time to complain.

Garry's flowing gestures as he reloaded the rifle confirmed Benji's suspicions. Garry was a secret-agent-soldier of some sort. He was an awful scientist, but thank goodness, he was a great secret agent.

"I'm here to rescue you. Put down your weapons." It was that voice. The white ninja had returned.

"Like Hell I will." Garry turned and fired a few rounds toward the doorway.

"Have it your way," the woman said.

Benji wondered what that meant. Was she going to leave? Was she going to kill them?

Garry swore under his breath and fired a few more rounds toward the doorway. A strange wind dispersed the milky gas cloud and Benji saw her trot toward them. Garry's rifle jammed. Benji became convinced that she was the one sabotaging the weapons - somehow. 

With a battle cry, Garry threw the rifle away and sprang toward the white ninja. She blocked his fist with her forearm and did a twirly dance move placing herself at Garry's back. Benji held his breath. The beauty and skill of her movements enthralled and terrified him all at once. What was that?

The white ninja ducked Garry's elbow and leaped gracefully to the side, avoiding his foot. She jumped on her hands, flipped, landing on his shoulders, jumped off. Her palms were opened and when she hit Garry, she used the tips of her fingers. It looked more like she was giving Garry some elaborate massage than trying to harm him. 

"The fu-" Garry slumped to the floor.

Benji ran to Garry's side checking his vitals. He didn't even think before acting. That had been the case lately, he realized and mumbled a swear. She could finish him off in a blink of an eye.

The white ninja looked down at him, palms ready, still in a fight stance.

"Don't kill me!" Benji winced.

"I did say I'm rescuing you. He's not dead."

Benji checked Garry's vitals and he appeared to be in perfect health. He even thought he heard him snore, but that couldn't be, could it?

"Are you going to be any trouble?" the white ninja asked him.

He shook his head.


She walked away and Benji wasn't sure if she expected him to follow and drag Garry along with him. She had to realize a man his build couldn't carry a big muscular guy like Garry.

"Come on." Her voice was oddly cheerful.

Benji yelped as Garry's body rose from the floor and hovered over to the door following her. He skittered along with it and was eager to figure out what sort of device she was using to achieve such a feat.

Soon, more bodies floated behind the white ninja and Benji stared her down in disbelief. 

"How are you doing this?" He finally dared to ask once they reached the top floor and there were almost a hundred bodies floating behind them.

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