chapter 1

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I didn't know what to do when I saw him. He was both familiar and strange. He was standing at the entrance of our tiny three-bedroom flat, clutching his small luggage bag, waiting for someone to answer his doorbells. His uncombed black hair, chiselled jaws, blue glasses, blue cardigan, and blue pants, and a smile on his lips reminded me of a model in a Paris fashion show. Perhaps it was just my eyes, but he seemed too attractive for me at the time. I approached him via the stairwell.

me : Mom didn't inform me you were coming today. How long did you have to wait?

He was taken aback.

him: And who are you?

me: I am Alice. I can't believe you've forgotten about me already. Did your mother ever show you any photos of us?

him: oh! I didn't recognise you. You don't look like the girl in those pictures. My name is Damian, by the way.

He smiled and shook hands as if I were a stranger.

me: Of course you're Damian! Please enter.

I took the keys from my schoolbag and unlocked the apartment door. He picked up his belongings and followed me inside.

me: Consider this your new home. Welcome to my castle, and please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

Damian: Auntie informed me that you would be staying at home. Where were you? I called you so many times.

me: I went to a friend's place.

I didn't want to bore him by telling him about my ex, with whom I had recently broken up. I felt so different with him next to me since he was completely my type, and I didn't know how to convey anything other than sheer wrath or delight. I was perplexed since my sentiments were incorrect because he was my blood cousin and even rumored to be my half brother. I avoided eye contact and instead showed him his new room, which Mom and I had just cleaned up a few days prior. It was the room of my father's mother, my grandmother, who died a year ago.

I stood by the door frame, arms crossed, gazing at him as if I'd known him for years. We spoke about elderly folks, exchanged recollections, and moved from one topic to another, and time flew by in an instant. He was quite interested in my grandmother and went through the photographs and albums in the old closet.

I brought him some leftover cola from the fridge, and he encouraged me to sit with him as we had a glass, and we continued to speak until I inquired about his mother.

me: How is Aunt Abigail?

Our family tree was tangled. Damian is my half brother and cousin because my blood father cheated on my mom with aunt Abigail, who is my mom's blood sister, and Damian is the outcome of their infidelity. He came to live with us because Abigail had to relocate due to a job offer. He stated that she was a school teacher and that her position had been transferred to Xxxx Xxxx. Damian was in high school and didn't want to risk switching schools, making new friends, or starting over again. It's not worth the suffering, so he pleaded with Abigail and moved in with us.

Damian: She's all right.

He sighed and took out a Juul pen, beginning to vape. I observed his anxiety and quickly changed the subject. I knew a thing or two about awkward situations, and I truly didn't want him to feel uncomfortable at all although I barely knew him.

me: Hey, I've got something for you.

I dashed into the kitchen and brought him a box of brownie truffles from the freezer. Damian was overjoyed and grinned from ear to ear. He instantly put down his Juul and dived into the truffles. He had no idea that I had purchased this for my ex as a parting gift, which he refused to accept. So I kept it. I didn't even remove the gift wrapper before putting it back in the fridge; I just handed it to Damian as it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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