Chapter Seventeen- The Tower

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Bryce's POV

I groaned as my side burned in pain when I shifted in my bed. Sleeping was hard enough knowing Allister was nowhere in my reach, but this damned wound was becoming a close first in things that pissed me off.

I needed to find where they got wolfs bane from.

It was an extinct plant, practically vanished off the face of the Earth. So how in the hell did they get it in bullets? I threw the sheets back and sat up, grabbing a shirt from the floor beside the bed and putting it on. I frowned as I looked down and saw I was still wearing my jeans. I needed to stop falling asleep in them, or Charlie was going to have something new to put my ass through the ringer.

I got up with a sigh and glanced in the mirror, taking in the dark circles under my eyes and my pale complexion. Losing a mate was never an easy thing. All I could say is I never want to look in the mirror if I can't get Allister back.

That won't be a pretty sight at all.

Shaking my head from the thoughts, I made my way from my room to my office. They were the only two places I went to. Well, those and the bathroom. Speaking of bathroom, I didn't go when I woke up. Oh well, releasing my bladder is the least of my worries.

"That's disgusting. I could get you a diaper though, just say the word," I scowled at Kit as he walked in and he smirked. "You were speaking out loud." He informed me and my lips formed a straight line.

"I'm glad you're here. I need to discuss some things with you." He nodded his head, closing the door and taking a seat in front of my desk. I knew Charlie was going to be coming in with food any second, so we sat in silence until a knock was heard from the door.

"Come in!" I called out and Charlie opened it with a tray of food. He walked over, pausing to give Kit a once over that ended in a sneer, then smiled at me and set the tray down.

"I made some overnight oats. It's apple cinnamon. Easy on the stomach," He told me and I looked at the mushy food, my stomach actually making the notion it was hungry. "Also, there's a bowl of fruits and some pomegranate juice." I gave him my thanks and he hurried out, but I noticed Kit's gaze lingering longer than necessary.

"He still hasn't come around has he?" I asked, taking a grape from the fruit bowl and popping it in my mouth. I was on to my second one, when I noticed Kit was still staring at the door. With a growl, I picked up another grape and threw it, smiling when it hit him in head.

Grapes hurt. Don't let them fool you.

"You're Alpha asked you a question," I said and he glared at me.

"First of all, ow. And second, no he hasn't. I don't know what he heard about me, but he's surely staying true to those words. He won't come anywhere near me. I take one step forward and he's taking ten thousand back." I frowned at me Beta's mate trouble.

I told him time and time again that he needed to chill with his many sexual adventures. That when he found his mate, they were going to find out and not be happy. And did he listen?


He blew me off and said he didn't want a mate. That he was happy with his playboy lifestyle. Huh, now I guess he's eating his own words.

"Anyway, we have more important things to discuss besides my troublesome mate." Kit said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded my head and quickly swallowed the last of my fruit before leaning up and resting my hands on the desk.

"Wolfs bane. I need to know how the found it and where. It was supposed to be wiped off the Earth, but it clearly is not if they used it on the bullet." Kit slowly nodded his head, as if thinking slowly before his face lit up.

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