Chapter 1

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Hi I'm writing this because I wanted a story with a hufflepuff as the main character. This story may have grammar errors.
This chapter really is more of a set up for the story.

            Third person pov

Newt groaned as he read the text again. "That very inconvenient." He mumbled. Tina looked up from her reading.

"You find it?" She could tell from his tone it wasn't good news.

"The relic we need was destroyed almost 40 years ago."

"You mean there are no other moon stones?"

Newt needed the moonstone for the group of mooncalfs he had just been given to foster after they were found during a poacher raid by the ministry. He could tell they were traumatized and thought the moon stone would help. But it said the stone was accidentally destroyed by students around 1890.

"Well what should we do?" Tina asked softly.

Newt picked up a nearby notebook and flipped through its pages quickly. "Actually. I know someone who attended the school around that time.. maybe she can help us..."

Tina closed her book and went to grab her coat. Newt looked up confused. "Where are you going?"

"We are going to see your friend?" She asked wondering why he was confused.

Newt smirked at her eagerness, "she's a very private and not very trusting person anymore. She may not help us."

"What's her name?" Tina asked still continuing to get ready.

"Ava La Fey."

"She's French?"

Scamander chuckled. "Partially, her parents were born in France but she was born in New York. She was accepted into Hogwarts when she was 15. Had to start as a fifth year. She's an extremely powerful witch. Last I saw her though she claimed she no longer wanted to use magic. Something really traumatized her."

Newt had found it strange when he met a girl wearing a Hufflepuff robe and an American accent. When he met her she had just practically fallen out of the sky and landed in front of him as he walked through Hogwarts one day to visit Dumbledore. 

"Who would be so traumatized to give up magic at 50 years old?" Tina asked making Newt realize Tina was picturing an old woman and not the now 17 year old who he was talking about.

"Oh, Tina she isn't old."

Tina looked at him confused. "What?"


Ava pov

"Sebastian what did you do?" I gasped looking at his uncles body lying on the floor.

"You saw what he did." He replied panting hard, "he was attacking us." He sat up from where his body had landed after Anne threw him.

"You didn't have to kill him!" Anne yelled at him. " don't come near us." She sounded almost scared of her own twin brother. She turned and gave me an equally heartbreaking look before using Apparition and making her and their uncles body disappear.

"Sebastian.." I asked not knowing what exactly was on his mind.

"I have to get out of here." He got up to leave but I reached for his hand. He turned quickly and shoved me back a few steps. "No Ava. You should have had my back."

"Sebastian I.."

He cut me off, "No. I need to find Anne."

He ran out the room leaving me still a bit afraid of him myself but trying to hide it.

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now