Chapter 🔞

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As they stay in the same village, their bond grew stronger than ever.

As they returned to town, Goblin Slayer tried to push his feelings aside. He knew that Priestess was counting on him to keep her safe, and he couldn't afford to be distracted by his own emotions.

But as the days went on, Goblin Slayer found himself increasingly preoccupied with the thought of Priestess being hurt. He couldn't shake the image of her lying wounded on the ground, her life slipping away before his eyes.

As much as he tried to push the thought aside, Goblin Slayer couldn't help but feel a growing sense of angst and emotional turmoil. He had always prided himself on being able to protect Priestess, but now he couldn't shake the feeling that he was failing her.

Despite his best efforts, Goblin Slayer found himself constantly replaying the events of that day in his mind. He was plagued by thoughts of what could have happened if he hadn't been there to save her.

Priestess noticed that something was off with Goblin Slayer, but she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was. He seemed more distant than usual, and she couldn't help but wonder if she had done something to upset him.

But no matter how hard she tried to get through to him, Goblin Slayer remained closed off and distant. It wasn't until a chance encounter with a goblin ambush that Goblin Slayer finally opened up about his fears and doubts.

He told the Priestess about his deepest fears and anxieties. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to protect her forever, and that she would one day be hurt beyond repair.

As they sat together, talking late into the night, Goblin Slayer finally began to process his emotions. He realized that he couldn't keep his fears bottled up forever and that he needed to be honest with himself and with Priestess if he wanted to continue protecting her effectively.

However, as the two went on another journey a few weeks later alone, Goblin Slayer found himself haunted by the memory of that day. Every time they faced a new challenge, his mind would wander back to the moment when he had almost lost Priestess.

Despite his best efforts to push it aside, the thought of her being hurt continued to weigh heavily on his mind. He couldn't shake the image of her lying on the ground, helpless and in pain.

As the days turned into weeks, Goblin Slayer's emotional turmoil began to take its toll. He found himself becoming more and more withdrawn, and he struggled to focus on anything but his own fears and anxieties.

Priestess noticed the change in him and tried to help, but nothing seemed to make a difference. Goblin Slayer remained closed off and distant, lost in his own inner turmoil.

It wasn't until a chance encounter with a group of goblins that everything came to a head. In the heat of battle, Goblin Slayer found himself facing down a particularly vicious goblin warrior.

As he fought, his mind wandered back to the moment when he had almost lost Priestess. His emotions boiled over, and he charged at the goblin with a ferocity he had never felt before.

In that moment, Goblin Slayer realized that his fears had been holding him back. He had been so consumed with the thought of protecting Priestess that he had lost sight of what was really important.

It wasn't about protecting her from harm; it was about standing by her side and facing whatever challenges came their way together.

With this newfound clarity, Goblin Slayer emerged victorious from the battle. As he and Priestess made their way back to town, he felt a sense of peace that he hadn't felt in weeks.

#Goblin Slayerx Priestess,  The Fragility of the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now