Yet Another Morning!

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It was another morning. The sun was shining pleasantly, wishing a good morning, trees and leaves never seemed so happy to me, they were dancing around in the light breeze. I saw two butterflies playing around on the rose plant that I have been taking care of since a year now. Three pleasant yellow color roses were smiling brightly as they saw those two butterflies playing around them. It was a beautiful morning.

"Honey get ready you'll be late" said my Mom. She has the sweetest voice whenever she is in a good mood but trust me she is even more dangerous than Adolf Hitler whenever she gets angry.

"Ohh God, I have so much work to do today. Oh no! I left the gas on!" I could hear her talking to herself from my room.

"I think you forgot but today is Sunday!"I said loud enough so that my voice could reach the kitchen.

"Right!" she said, maybe a little embarrassed because she forgot the only perfect day of my week. "But you still have to get up, mom has to go to boutique and you have assignments to submit tomorrow. I don't want you wasting your morning time and then whining and spending another sleepless night." She always has to do this on Sundays!

"Mom don't worry, I said you I am almost done with assignment as well as project. Anyways when is Aunt Radha coming?" I asked trying my best to get her off the topic of studies.

"I had a talk with her this morning and she said she will come on Tuesday or Wednesday. She was supposed to reach today but she missed her train. Have your breakfast before going for basketball. I will come back by 4:30 p.m." she said while holding her jacket in one hand, putting her purse on her shoulder and wearing footwear at the same time.

I came out from my room when she was doing all this. She was wearing a light green color chuddidar with white color shading in it. Her slim body totally matched the dress pattern. No make-up, paled up from working day and night to make a living for her and for me, yet amazingly beautiful. Every time I saw her face I felt guilty. She was wearing a gold chain which I had given her as gift on my last birthday. Yeah! My birthday. My mom and I have a different way of celebrating birthday. On her birthday she gives me gift as a token of gratitude for filling up all empty spaces in her life and on my birthday I give her gift, thanking her for never abandoning me even when it was so hard for her and for being my best friend. I had saved up a lot and used all my scholarship money to get her that. At first she was really angry at me for wasting money but finally accepted it. She was actually happy with it; she just sucks at expressing emotions. I guess I inherited it from her.

She adjusted the Kurta with her skinny hands which showed hand bones clear enough for a biology student to study skeleton. Her skin color was like a normal Indian. Her black hair little longer than shoulder level were falling down in a pony tied by a singly circled bow. Her square half-rimmed golden colored spectacles always matched her long face with a bindi on her forehead. She wore the slim belt watch with golden dial on her left hand and had a one single gold bangle in her right hand.

"Hey no watching back to back movies and eat properly. Don't be too lazy to walk till oven, heat up the food and eat it warm. And I better leave now; Mr. Bharat is going to come to collect rent for this month today. See you" she said kissing me on my right cheek and walked past the open door of our house. She likes kissing on my forehead but the fact that my height is taller than her makes it harder for her to do that so she prefers my cheeks.

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