My Sunday gets even better!

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As I was eating I heard the door bell ring. I got up to open the door and heard Aruna's voice, "Hey, open up. I got big news for you." She said in total excitement.

 I opened the door and she came in slower than I expected after that i-got-big-news-for-you shouting.

"What is it?" I asked her totally puzzled.

"Guess guess" she said. I had never seen her so excited in past five years; we know each other since five years. She always had a deep voice and would never think before talking. She was wearing purple denim with loose white formal shirt that we bought last time when we went to the shopping mall. Her long and slightly curly brown hairs were falling down open. She had round and big eyes with brown color retina and slightly bigger nose which did not match her round face. She was really fair which always gave me complex when I walked around with her. She was the only one who knew my deepest and darkest secrets and would understand me like no one else, sometimes even better than mom.

"You just found out you are a demigod with crazy powers or you got a letter from Hogwards?" I said. We both loved Percy Jackson and Harry Potter series and really wished that to happen in reality. I am sure she must be thinking 'I wish'.

"I wish!" she said and I laughed in my mind because I knew she would say that.

"But no! You know none of my parent is God and I am very old to get a letter from Hogwards. But someone here has won the national level short story writing competition! The results are out Saju." She was twisting around the words and pausing again and again while speaking which in normal situations annoyed me, but today, I kind of liked it.

"No! No way! You don't say!" I spoke in total disbelief and snatched ipad from her hand to see the result. The water had frozen in my throat and I could not speak a word! I just kept staring at the pad and then both of us screamed at the highest pitch of happiness.

"I told you that you will win this thing! Your story was amazing. Wait I can smell food." She came inside with her dog nose on the highest frequency, went near the couch and found fried idlis in the plate. She has an amazing talent of speaking while eating and kept on muttering something which I could not understand. Well, it was partially because I was too busy checking my mails so was not paying attention to her, but she is the type who is happy even with a single 'hmm' of mine when she talks so that is what I do!

"But I didn't get the mail yet!" I spoke in a complaining tone.

"So you were not listening to a single word I was speaking right now, were you?" She seemed really pissed.

Caught red handed, spoke a voice in my brains.

"I was, but then I got lost in checking the mail." I said in the prettiest voice possible with a little dog face.

"Not working!" She said plainly, "You will get a mail which will have official certificates scanned copy by tonight. This is what is written on the site and what I was telling you."

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