Part 12: Eyeless Jack

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Walking through the woods is so peaceful, well not until you heard screaming coming up head also it sounded like a teen not surprising though because there like 'hay let's find Slenderman in the woods'  silly teens. You finally found the body of the teen but there missing there kidneys now this has got your interest, you walked a bit longer and found the kidney thief. The boy stopes eating and looks up at you "hello" you smile at him "hi...can I have your kidneys?" he asked has he tried making puppy dog eyes at you "no you can't, but I can get you some" you said and he quickly got up with the biggest smile he could make. You held out your hand for him to take and he did wrapping his small grey hands around your big one "I'm (Y\N) what's your name" as you two went into a house "eyeless Jack", you two went into the rooms and got what you wanted and left the house. You got back into the woods "would you like to live with me and some others?" you asked EJ gave a nod while munching on his kidney he got, plus his got a bag full of kidneys. You got to the mansion with the others hugging you, well trying to "everyone this is eyeless Jack" you said taking the bag of kidneys from EJ, "is that candy" LJ said "no this are kidneys". You placed them in the fridge and saw Slenderman cooking dinner while wearing a pink apron, you heard a couple of giggles coming from the doorway. You showed EJ around the mansion and showed him to his room that his door is a dark blue colour and then went to the games room watching BEN play his shooting games "he cheated" BEN said putting down his controller jumping into the TV moments later he came back covered in blood "done" he said smiling up at you and giving BEN a pat on the head "good job BEN" then he ran off. You saw LJ having a bag of candy and eating it the candy "I swear were does he get the candy from?" you thought having a confused look on your face. BEN came back with EJ and began playing games together, after dinner you went around to make sure every ones asleep, again saw Jeff hugging Smile dog, also you had to stay with EJ for a bit since he's new to the mansion.

(A/N) sorry if this is short and I hope you enjoyed this also it's late and I'll post the next part on Monday

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