Where's My Sonic? 2

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Where's My Sonic? 2

    Sometimes the TARDIS would need repair. Sometimes something would be out of place or some circuit would be loose. When this happened Tom knew there was only one thing to do. There was only one tool that he could use to fix this problem. The Sonic Screwdriver.
    One time an instance like this happened when Tom needed his Sonic to repair the TARDIS. A computer on the main console had come out of whack. It happened while Tom was watching it. He had been monitoring the computer making sure their space-time coordinates were correct. Of course once they began to become out of tune and Tom needed to monitor the progress of the screen the most it suddenly went out.
"Oh not now," Tom moaned as he proceeded to violently smack the screen. "Come on!" Another smack, nothing happened. Tom hated it when technology was insubordinate to him. He always wanted every machine to do just as he said when he said it. Of course it never did, and this computer in front of him was a prime example.
"What is it Doctor?" asked Leela who was seated on the floor only a few feet away. Leela had been watching Tom work for some time now. It fascinated her to watch him type random things into the metal machine and then watch it work like it was nothing.
"Oh nothing you would ever understand savage!" came Tom's anger filled response. "What would you know about computers?"
Although disturbed by Tom's aggression Leela proceeded. She said, "well I know everything that you have taught me."
"So nothing about Gallifreyan technology?"
Tom was not amused. Why did his companions always have to be so useless? Tom would admit that Leela's complete lack of clothing on her backside and her very obvious lack of a brawl was wonderful to have around the TARDIS. However, that and Leela's ability to kill anyone at any time without thinking was where her usefulness ended.
"I wish I could do something to help," Leela said as he looked over Tom's shoulder at the computer.
"Yeah, well me too," Tom said very sarcastically. Tom then smashed the screen one more time for good measure before he turned to his other slave (excuse me) I meant companion. "K9?" Tom asked, "what do you make of it?"
K9, who had been sitting on the ground where Leela had been, had been analyzing the situation for the duration of its occurrence and attempting to calculate an easy solution to the problem. "Additional information required, master."
"Additional information required? What are you, a vending machine? The screen turned off in the middle of my very important work. I need it back now!" Sometimes Tom felt that because K9 was not another living being, like Leela, that he could yell at him all he wanted. Sometimes Tom used K9 as a sort of venting tool because back in the year 1977 men just couldn't go around saying that they needed therapy or help. Instead they had to either yell at their dumb housewife (Leela) or scream in front of the TV (K9) for two hours like they were drunk.
"Doctor please," Leela pleaded, "don't yell at K9 like that. He's trying his best." Leela didn't like it when she felt that Tom was using her and K9 as therapy-things. She knew that she was only wearing (well actually she wasn't wearing anything at all to be honest) her Sevateem garb, and that that wasn't very much. However, that did not have to be a reason for Tom (and K9's) eyes to move towards her every now and then.
"I need this computer!" Tom yelled before smashing it again (At this point he had smashed it as many times as Matt smashed Rory last night).
K9's metallic ears spun around for a few moments and then he spoke rather shrewdly. He said, "prepahs try the Sonic Screwdriver master. Logically, it is the most likely next step."
Suddenly Tom's heart skipped a beat. "The Sonic Screwdriver! Oh why didn't I think of that?!" Tom suddenly got up and looked at the others for the first time in the entire conversion. "That's an excellent idea! Thank you K9!"
K9 nodded his head for a moment. "You're welcome," was the only response he could form for this turn out. He was not very used to being complemented by Tom. Most of the time it was, "K9 do this! K9 do that!" or, "Leela put a shirt on!" Praise from Tom was very bizarre.
Tom reached into his pocket in an instant as his companions watched intently. However once Tom had pulled his hand out it revealed a horrible sight.
"Tom? Where is the Sonic Screwdriver?" Leela asked in horror.
However Tom could not say anything. His Sonic was gone. The Sonic Screwdriver had always been in his pocket. It was always there when he needed it to be. But now, of course now of all the times, it was gone!
"Oh fuck!" Tom yelled loudly. He did not care about watching his mouth. He had never lost his Sonic before. This was an atrocity worse than the results of the 2016 American presidential election! Tom was filled with rage and anger. This had never happened before! His Sonic was his last resort. There was nothing else he could use on the computer.
"Where's my sonic?!" Tom yelled to no one in particular.
Leela meanwhile was mortified. She said, "what has happened? Is it gone?"
"You tell me!" Tom yelled as he turned his pockets inside out for Leela to see. "There's nothing there! My Sonic Screwdriver is gone! I can't believe it!"
Tom was more mad at himself, if anything, for losing it. He couldn't believe that he, a man of such intellect and power, has just allowed his Sonic to get up and run away like this. It was unexpectable. Leela was supposed to be the dumb one that Tom kept around to ask him questions and make him look smarter. Meanwhile look at how good he did. He had lost his Sonic, like a moron.
Leela wanted to help in some way, but she also did not want to be yelled at by Tom. She also didn't want Tom to yell at K9 either. Sometimes Leela got these weird urges in her. She kind of felt like a mother and that Tom was some sort of father. She had sometimes had to protect herself from his wrath, and protect her child.. or pet... or thing... anyways Leela hated it when Tom took out his anger on the two of them.
"You're so full of good ideas," Leela stated, "you figure something out! And don't you try and take it out on us or we won't be here when you come back!"
"What are you going somewhere?"
"No you are!"
Tom didn't follow. [Simple savage]-he thought.
"Doctor, you're going to the other room to try and calm down before you yell at us again!" Leela's face had become very flustered now and Tom could visibly see the anger on her face.
Tom hated what Leela was doing. She was breaking down like most women do in a crisis like this. She was just sitting there yelling like all women do when they're mad. [Oh what a waste]-Tom thought.
"I don't want to deal with your attitude young lady," Tom began trying to sound as composed as he could, "now I'm not going to take it. K9 I-"
"K9's not listening either," Leela cut in, "just go and cool off for a moment."
Tom was suddenly swimming in annoyance filled rage. "Cool off? Who's hot? I know I'm not right now. Of course you're always hot with that outfit on, but-"
"Just go away for a little while Tom! Leave us alone!"
Tom was at his wits end. Of course he hated being told what to do by a woman (not to mention a simple savage like Leela) but he also hated being told what to do in general. However Tom was smart enough to know that right now there was only one thing to do. And that one thing to do was to go and try and think of what another thing to do was. That another thing to do was what he should do about his missing Sonic.
"Fine!" Tom yelled just about having enough.
"Fine!" Leela yelled back.
"I'm going now!"
"Good then!"
"Wish me luck!"
"I will not!"
"Fine then!"
And with that Tom got up and moved out of the console room and slammed the door. The entire TARDIS shuck when he did this.
After Tom had left Leela kneeled down and put her hand on K9's head. "Oh, sometimes he can aggravate me so." Leela tried to calm down for a moment as she stoked K9. After a few moments of using him as her comfort animal Leela seemed to be doing better. "Come on K9, lets try and do something productive."
K9, who wanted to try and appease Leela in some way obediently responded at once. "Yes mistress."

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