Chapter 2

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It was eerily quiet for a good two minutes while Weasley absorbed everything I had told her. From me accidentally throwing myself over 30 ish years in the future to how I got back and the mysterious archway that appeared in my pantry.

Newt and Tina leaned against some of the tables in the classroom while Sebastian Stood somewhere in the back of the classroom. Professor Weasley had told him he could go but he just shook his head and stayed put.

"So," Weasley finally started. "You are back in time for your 7th year?"

"I don't need to come back. I just came to grab something of mine."

"No." She stated in a flat tone.

"No?" I asked surprised. Deja vu?

"As little as she said. I believe she's right." Newt added. "By the way, professor Weasley, it's an honor to meet you. You retired a few years before I entered Hogwarts." Weasley gave him an awkward smile. "However, Ava, you didn't seem happy when ever I saw you. You don't think maybe it's because you don't belong there?"

"Are you kicking me out of the 1920s?" 

"I mean. You are better suited for this time. It can't be good to jump forward and back like that. I had to teach you some very common things."

"I know everything now."

"You used a toaster as a drying rack for at least a year."

Okay not my finest moment.

"You can put all your animals in your room of  requirement. Like you always used to talk about."

Professor Weasley spoke up, "speaking of Deek still cares for your animals and has been since you left."

I looked over my shoulder at Sebastian. He looked a little hurt but at least not as confused anymore. "I know Poppy and Natty will be thrilled to see you. Even Garreth maybe. And Ominis would probably be happy to know he didn't kill you." He seemed to want to say more but didn't add anything else.

"Fine... I'll stay." I said to Sebastian. He started to grin before turning and running out of the classroom. "Wait I need..." he had already ran away, "the stone."

"You'll have to take extra classes so that you can get up to date on what you missed. You did miss an entire year." Professor Weasley stated as I turned back around. "And let's keep saving the school and fighting poachers and Ashwinders to a minimum please."

Oh that's something I completely could not promise.

"I'll do my best, professor."  I lied with a smile.

"I already had a few new uniforms sent to your old room in the hufflepuff common room."

"But I just said yes."

She gave me a knowing smile, "I knew you'd say yes to begin with." She clapped her hands together and stood up. "Alright you help your friends and then send them home."

I don't think it will be that easy. Especially since the cute guy with the stone just ran away.

"Right away, professor."


Sebastian's pov

She's staying.

I couldn't help but smile like an absolute lunatic as I ran straight to my room in the slytherin common room. Of course I still had that moon stone Ava had given me after her small adventure with Poppy. She could have given me a blade of grass and I would have kept it.

As I dug through my trunk for it I could hear Ominis walk in. "Where have you been?"

"I have an amazing surprise for you. Your eyes won't believe it."

"That's not funny and why are you smiling so wide I can hear it in your voice."

"He's also blushing." Imelda said from the door.

"This is a boys room." I said turning and throwing a pillow at her so she'd shut the door. "She's so damn nosey."

"What is this surprise?" Ominis asked again still standing at the entrance of the room.

I found the stone and picked it up. It was a lot lighter then I remembered. "Oh it'll definitely knock your socks off. Probably will be able to see because of how shocked you'll be."

"Something must have happened because I haven't heard this many sight jokes in at least a few months. Maybe a year?"

I took his arm and dragged him with me as I ran back out of the common room. "Let's go, Ominis."

"Wait hold on I was going to take a nap."

"It's noon." I chuckled still smiling like an idiot.

As I hurried us down back towards Weasley's class room I spotted Poppy leaving the library. At least five books, probably on magical creatures, in her arms.

"Sweeting!" She looked up almost dropping all the books. "Follow me, It's an emergency."

"Why are you holding that stone and why does Ominis look annoyed?" She gasped, "oh! Are we going to look at the new Mooncalfs that just arrived at the school?"

"It's better than that. Drop the books come back for them later."

She hurried and put the books neatly on the floor next to the library doors. "Hurry up. Or we might loose her again. She does love getting lost."

"I have no idea what you are talking about." She called running after Ominis and I.

As we ran through the court yard Ava exited professor Weasley's class room with her two friends in tow. Poppy gasped and seemed to start hoping as she ran.

"Ava!" She yelled.

"Ava?" Ominis asked starting to understand.

"Poppy? Ominis?" Ava looked a little like she might cry.

Poppy got in front of me and hugged Ava tightly. "Where on earth have you been?"

"It's very hard to explain." Ava smiled and hugged her back tightly.

"Ava I thought I killed you." Ominis said in shock as Ava slowly out her hand in his so he'd know where she was.

"Im so sorry Ominis it was the spell we were tying. It was supposed to open an arch way to the library but it accidentally sent me to a lot farther then we realized."

Ominis let out a long sigh and his shoulder seemed to loosen.

I looked at Ava. "Do I get a hug too?"

Her face turned red but.. she didn't say no.

Instead she looked down and saw me holding the stone. "That's it!" She changed the subject very smoothly.

I handed her the stone. Making sure our hands touched as the object moved to her hands. She started to say something but once our hands touched she froze forgetting everything.

"Th-thank you." She turned and handed it to Newt who opened his suitcase and dropped it in.

As he shut the top I barley caught a glimps of what looked like an entire room inside the bag.

"Now I just have to find an arch."  She said as poppy hugged her again and didn't let go.

" I mean this school has Arches everywhere." I said only to get a 'no' look from pretty much everyone. "Sorry, shutting up."

"There's an old arch in the map chamber." Ava said to Newt as she petted the top of Poppy's head who was still holding on to her and now tearing up. "We can see if that'll work. Or the one in the restricted section."

She looked at me again almost making my face turn red. "Sorry for all the commotion." She looked at Poppy, "we may need to pause this prolonged hug."

Poppy nodded and stepped back while wiping her eyes.

Ava realized her hand was still being held by Ominis. "Umm, Ominis?"

He instantly dropped her hand abruptly and mumbled an apology.

She turned around to Newt. "Alright, let's get you two home."

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now