Apocalyptic Smiles And Sorry's.

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If it weren't for that look on that day, I bet we'd never be here.
My mind would still be rocky but so clean it's straight out the bottle like everclear.
But you my dear..oh my heart breaks when I think of our paths.
How my head spins when I see the same patterns from you that have me noticing how badly we both are still stuck in the past.
I'm so sorry darling, but I saw the end of us before it even started.
I'm so so sorry darling but my battles I have fought I wish to find them no more.
I'm so worn out like this cloth from long ago I can't fathom to see how this might last.
I meant it then and maybe I mean it now but this was supposed to be everything.
Even for the small time we spent together while being alone was almost enough for me.
But you're caught in a rut and your shoes are still stuck in the mud as I righteously run.
I thought you were behind me this entire time im so so so sorry darling, please forgive me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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