Gone for good🥀

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Male reader
Ok this one is a bit sad but dw, next oneshot will be one to cheer you up 😏(if yk, yk)
TW: mention of death, suicidal thoughts and other triggering things


  "Please don't do this to me! Please..." there I was standing in my bedroom, about to watch my husband leave me for a second time.

  It was a rainy Saturday night, me and jace had just gotten back from the cemetery. Today marked the 5 year anniversary of my husband, Leons, death. He had died while on a mission, Chris, one of his bestest friends had told me the news the night it happened.

Why? Why was the world so cruel? Cruel enough to take a man away from his husband and son. Poor jace is too young to even understand why his dad hasn't came back home yet. Everyday after daycare he always asks "Father, when is daddy coming home?" I always tear up when he asks. Jace was only 4 when it happened.

I tucked jace into bed before kissing his forehead. "Goodnight Jace. Remember, we are going out for breakfast tomorrow so make sure to actually go to sleep tonight ok?" He nodded and then opened his mouth to speak. "When is daddy coming home? You never answer me when I ask, you just tear up and hug me. Did he leave us?" I froze, having to bite my finger as to not cry, I replied. "No, he didn't leave us dear. He's just in another place right now, no one knows when he's coming back." I was tearing up again. "Dad? Are you ok? You look sad." I couldn't take it anymore. I bursted out in tears. "Oh my sweet baby, I love you so much and I'm ok. Just having one of those days. Now get to sleep ok? You need rest" "nighty night jace." I gave him one last hug before getting up and shutting the door.

I then walked into my room and sat on my bed. "Why? Why did this have to happen? Why us? Why not someone else? Hell, why not me!?" I cupped my hands and laid my face into them. I stayed like that for a second before looking up to see a faint light. I started seeing orbs float Around the light. There was also a fog, after the fog faded I saw... Leon? What.

"L-Leon?" I spoke. "Hello love, miss me?" He said with a slight chuckle. "N-no it can't be. Your d-dead. I-I..." I was to stunned to speak, I just sat there frozen in both fear and amazement. "Oh but my little raven, it is me.I've been granted with a chance to see you again." Oh my god... it was him. My little raven. The pet name he gave me, he just said it. "Oh Leon!" I leaped off my bed and squeezed him, as if I let go he would disappear again, disappear forever. I started sobbing even harder. "Leon. It's really you! Why? Why did you have to die? Why did you leave us?"


"Why did you leave us?" Those words... They hurt, like a blow to the heart. It hurt seeing my husband in this state. "I'm sorry, I wish I didn't have to leave, trust me I didn't want to. But, the world had other plans for you and I..." He just looked up at me with sad eyes. "But why Leon? How could the world have such cruel plans for us?" I didn't know how to answer his question, cause to be completely honest I didn't know. "The world works in mysterious ways that we just can't explain, and sometimes it's better for those things to stay unexplained, for we may not understand them." Y/n nodded and then nuzzled his face back into my chest.

  "I love you so much Leon, I've missed you to the point where I've almost pierced a knife through my chest just to join you..." Oh... He missed me so much that he was willing to... kill himself? "But I couldn't, poor Jace, would've had to grown up with two dead parents." I hugged him tightly. "Well I'm proud that you didn't, I know it's hard right now but please don't ever hurt yourself. And your doing amazing at raising our son, even through tough times you have managed to give him a good life... I'm so proud of you..."


  His voice sounded like honey, so sweet and calming, and so very soothing. He was amazing. Always having the ability to make me and others feel better. That's one of the very many things I loved about him.

Leon took a small step back, lowering and placing his hands on my waist. "Y/n, I love you so much. But my time is up... I have to go. Take care of yourself self. And make sure jace gets the best life you can give him." What? No, he couldn't leave. "No! Leon please you can't go! Not yet, please just stay with me. We could be happy again! Please don't do this to me! Please..." he took a deep breath and looked at me with sympathetic eyes. "Oh my little raven... I'm sorry I have to go but just remember that I'll always be here. In your heart." He smiled and stepped away from me. "Good bye my love, take care..." I reached out for him but as my hand got to him, he faded away.

That's it. He's gone. Gone for good...

// ok that's all for this chapter! This one really was a sad chapter but hey at least I updated the book 🤷‍♂️ anyway until next time. Bye loves!-Jeremy

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