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A Perfect and a Gang Leader. A "Perfect", the name speaks for itself. Hardworking, on time, straight A student, responsible, caring, diligent, everything you would expect from them. They wouldn't do anything to harm their reputation. The same can't be said about a Gang Leader yet alone gang members. They're the complete opposite. They're rude, disrespectful, violent, annoying, narcissistic, delinquents.They always made a scene when they were being chased by cops. They never cared about their reputation. Most people wouldn't even call them by their name even if they knew it. 'Thugs' people called them. Disgusting, selfish, untrustworthy, thugs. The Perfect would be risking everything to hang out with people like them. They're reputation, love, perfectness, their whole life. Ruined. It was a pair like this that was destined to end badly. No matter how hard they both might've tried, despair would always win....

(Word Count:144) -AnIdiot </3

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