Issue No.1: Season 4 Interviews

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As spring commences Drag Race Just Dance returns after a SuperStar season break in which alumni returned to compete for a second shot at the crown. Scarlet Gold has taken their place as the show's permanent host and opened up their palace to be the host location of Drag Race Just Dance Season 4. Before the season premieres on April 12th, we got to speak to Scarlet and the Season 4 coaches to interview them for this issue of Danzine.

Scarlet Gold, we have been anticipating your takeover since the season 3 crowning, how was it to prepare for this fourth season?

SG: Well honey, I was only involved in the first season and in Season 3 as a contestant and guest respectively, so I am not entirely sure how everything was arranged on those seasons, but this season the team and I wanted to make sure that Scarlet's Palace was fully prepared for an entire season of the show. I am happy to reveal that we have found another Untucked location as well, our neighbor bar, The Way I Bar, will be hosting our coaches to Untuck this season. Besides that, we have prepared some interesting challenges and twists this season for sure. It'll be the biggest premiere we have had yet, so I'm afraid we won't be able to fit it into one episode. But you'll be hearing more about that in the premiere episode.

That sounds very promising, just like the cast this season, we've got quite the variety again, was this something you focussed on during the casting?

SG: The team and I always want to make sure to portray the drag scene as realistic as possible. It's very important for us to have a decent gender variety and more importantly a good style variety. This season we've got some fashion icons, true performing stars, divas, newbies, and true veterans.

I cannot wait to see what they'll be pulling out of the bag this season. Is there any teaser you can give us about the season so far?

SG: Haha, oh Honey. I wish I could tell you everything right this moment, You know Scargo is a good old gossip. But I signed an NDA so I'll only tell you one thing...

Just watch the season, I promise it won't disappoint.

Besides Scarlet, we also got to speak to the cast of this season. Due to a shorter time limit we only got to ask every coach 2 questions.


Ari, it's very nice to meet you. Could you please introduce yourself to us?

AG: Of course sis. So I am Ari-Gato, one of Dancity's most followed Dancefluencers. I'm here to show what a real fashion Icon is.

Oh, that sounds incredibly exciting. What would you say is the one thing about being a Dancefluencer that will make you the winner of this season?

AG: Sis, I am IT! I can sell myself and for what it means, I can sell anything! I will win this crown because it will want to be on my head.

Jack Rose

Jack Rose, you are quite the big name in the Danceverse. I'm quite honored to be talking to such a stud like you. But for the ones not in the know, could you please introduce yourself to us?

JR: Absolutely! Hey y'all, I'm Jack Rose. I've loved performing ever since I was a little kid and am insanely excited to have a chance to show it to an audience that will appreciate it.

Appreciate we absolutely will. So I have heard you might have some connections to a fellow cast member prior to the season, is this true?

JR: Yes, my biological mother Nightswan is on this season as well. We had not spoken in a long time when we entered the season so it was slightly awkward, but I am sure she regrets her past actions and that we can move forward to become closer. At least I'd hope so.

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