Issue No.2: Heaven or Hell

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Summer is here, and it brings yet another Hot season of Drag Race Just Dance to us all! And this one has the potential to be extra hot, considering it will be bringin us to Hell or even to Heaven, as Scarlet Gold has promised. Their palace has expanded our access into the blue and red corners of the building, making the stage for the biggest edition of the show yet. In this issue of Danzine, we'll interview Scarlet about this fifth season and some of the brand new additions to this season "The Mentors", and ofcourse a brief introductory interview with the twelve brand new coaches competing for the title of The Next Drag Race Just Dance SuperStar! And as a bonus we have an exclusive interview with the current Drag Race Just Dance SuperStar; Jack Rose!

Scarlet Gold, We are so excited to be back in Scarlet's Palace for this next Season of the show. Is there any specific reason you wanted to keep the show in the Palace for another season?

SG: Honey, it was just the cheapest option. Just Kiddingggg hahaha. Showcase more of the palace has always been in the plans and this season seemed like a perfect opportunity to do so, as it also gave us the chance to introduce a new aspect to the show "The Mentors"

Mentors? Could you elaborate a little more on that?

SG: Well Honey, the team and I were looking for ways to enlarge the cast without taking away from time with our competitors. As you might have seen, I have selected twelve new stars to join this competition, that's four more than the first season so to gived them all the attention and critiques they deserve I have called the help of two of my closest confidants.

Sounds very intriguing. Now about the cast this season, I see a bigger number of male coaches and in general a bigger amount of cast members. Any specific reasons for these choices?

SG: Like I mentioned before, we wanted to cast more coaches this season as the entire Danceverse has so much talent, it would have been a shame if we kept the casts as small as before. As of the bigger amount of male coaches, I think Jack Rose's win definitely played a role in that, he is the second ever man to win the competition and it might have inspired a couple of menseses out there? Oh, and before I forget to mention, we have a lack of furry contestants this season, I am aware of this. This is on personal request of Rhinetta, she told me I needed to leave some strong contestants for Wildin' Out, so blame her, not Miss Gold hahaha. Anyways, thank you so much for this interview Honey, but I have gots to go get ready for the premiere. See you Huns there!

Scarlet did also give us permission to have a short interview with the coaches of this season, so here we go.

Don Hurtmey

Mr. Hurtmey, very nice to meet you. Could you please introduce yourself to us?

DH: Mr. Hurtmey is my father, call me Don. I'm your local karaoke king, when I get on that mic, I'm the only one who will sing.

The Karaoke king you say? You do realise that there's more lipsyncing than live singing in this competition right?

DH: Oh ofcourse, but who says the Karaoke King cannot perform mute? Just you wait haha.

Estella Tamoda

Estella Tamoda, we have heard that name before haven't we? Could you introduce yourself to our readers?

ET: Girl....... ofcourse I can haha. Hi everyone, My name is Estella Tamoda from the Tamoda Trio and I'm your Next Drag Race Just Dance Superstar.

Confidence right out of the gate, nice. So your companion Rey-Vis has competed on season 2, did you get any advice from them?

ET: Rey told me to have fun and slay them all haha. They struggled a bit on season two because of a certain fashion queen, but they've buried the hatch, and I am not going to get any distraction get in my way of that crown.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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