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It is June 1st, today will be my first day at camp. I woke up a few hours before my parents so I could make sure everything I needed was in my bags for camp. After my parents woke up and had their coffee, we had breakfast. then got into the car and started the drive to the camp. The camp was far from home because there was no summer camps near where me and my family lived. I knew I was gonna get homesick from being this far away from home. The whole car ride I just listened to my favorite songs and rested my head on the car window. After a couple of hours of driving, I saw a sign, "Welcome to Oakville, settled in 1623." As we entered the town I saw that it just looked like a normal town you see anywhere, nothing really special about it. I did notice though that most of the trees were oak trees, thats probably where the town got it's name. As we kept driving farther and up into the forest, a few hours away from the town and up into the wilderness of the forest, we finally reached the camp. Welcome to Oakville's camp, I read on the sign as we pulled into the camp's parking lot. I let out a sigh as I walked out of the car into the hot summer. I looked at the entrance of the camp thinking about how I didn't want to spend my entire summer here. "Mom, Dad please don't make me stay here, I don't want to go to camping," I said more so begging them to let me go home. "It will be good for you to be around others your age. You can't just stay at home all the time isolated in your room," My mom replied as she helped my dad get the rest of my bags out of the car. I was mad, to say the least, I don't like being around people. I like staying in my room drawing and listening to music, now my parents are forcing me to stay here all summer hoping I make some friends. I waited for my parents to finish collecting my bags, then we went inside to the front desk to check me in. I didn't bother to listen to what the lady at the front desk was saying or what my parents were saying, I just put my headphones on and then started to play my music till they were done. After my parents and the front lady were done talking I paused my music and put my headphones down around my neck. "Im guessing no matter what I say I'm not going home till summer is over, am I?" I asked as a last chance to get my parents to take me home. "You'll like it here Raven. Have fun and make some friends," My dad said while hugging me goodbye. "Behave sweetie, I love you." My mom added to the conversation while hugging me and kissing me on the cheek. I hug my mom back not wanting to let go knowing I'm not gonna see her or my dad for a bit. My mom and dad walk away after saying their goodbyes and got into the car, driving away. I watch them leave as I get the feeling of pure anxiety knowing I'm stuck here now for an entire summer.

After the front lady introduced me to the basics of the camp grounds and told me where my cabin was I went to my cabin and put all my things in their designated place. I sat down on the bed and started drawing while listening to music. After a while of drawing I heard someone walk into the cabin, I'm guessing that was my "roommate" for the summer. I looked up at the the girl who was looking at my drawing, she had red hair, green eyes, and looked about my age, she was also pretty tall at least 5"9. I took my headphones off and put them down in case she would start talking to me. I don't like talking to people but I'm not gonna ignore her, that's just rude. "Hi," the girl said as she went to her bed and started to put her stuff away. "Hi," I said back as I turned to face her. "I'm Brooke," she said with a smile. "I'm Raven," I said back trying to give a genuine smile that doesn't look forced.
"So, is this your first time at camp?" Brooke asked while putting her clothes in the drawers. "Yeah it's my first time at camp. Why?," I respond. "Just wondering, ive never seen you here before. Ive been going to this camp since i was a little kid." She said answering my question. I could tell Brooke was gonna ask another question or say something else but before she could someone turned on the speaker in camp making a loud noise that made me jump slightly. "All campers came to the Dining Hall for a short talk about the camp for this year," After the speakers shut off me and Brooke left the cabin and started walking to the dining Hall. As we got there I saw everyone else that was at camp this year, there weren't too many people but still enough to where I was uncomfortable. "Okay, I think everyone is here so let's take attendance," the lady said. After we did attendance the lady started the whole welcome to camp here are the rules "speech". "Welcome to camp everyone, you will have so much fun just as long as you follow the rules. Those of you who have been here before and know the rules can go have fun and hang out with your friends. Those of you who are new can grab a paper up here that has all the rules, after you read through them all you can go have some fun till dinner time." After She was done talking I went and got one of the papers, it read:

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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