🏞️Losing control...🌫️

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Published on: 4/18/23

Oeca is from the same District as Rasbi. District 8... But he looks human ish? Well for some context he was experimented on to see if they could make him human. It kinda worked physically but he still had demon urges and being in pain so often did not help.

Oeca blacked out and it took a lot to get him back and try to bandage his arms.

TW:Blacking out, s3lf h@rm, panicking / yelling, force drinking, threatening


3rd Person POV:

Oeca was just in the kitchen grabbing a drink. Which meant he was allowed to take off his gloves to grab the cub but something weird started to happen. He vision started to blur. He didn't like it so he tried to go back to Graecie but something took over him. He walked pass the knives then stopped. He turned to look at them. The sharpness of the blades attracted him towards them. He tried to stop himself but he could only watch as his hands grab on to one of the knives a slowly and painful tear at the skin on his arms. Both of them started bleeding to the point it was dripping on the ground.


Graecie POV:

"I wonder where Oeca is, he said he would be quick" I thought. She knew better than to leave him on his own so she went out of the room they share and went to the kitchen. She was expecting to see Oeca maybe sitting on the counter or something but this wasn't it. His whole arms were painted red and so was the ground underneath him.

"OH MY GOD OECA STOP" is all I could tell as he looked but at me with tears in his eyes. But my yelling made the others rush out to see what happened. Owen was the first and when he saw it he grabbed a chair and sat Oeca down. I couldn't control the tears falling from my eyes.

The others started to come into the kitchen, my hands were to shaky to help bandage Oeca so Owen had taken over. But Oeca wasn't staying still. I tried hugging him but he still struggled. He just mostly tried to kick Owen but that meant that no one could get close enough to bandage him.

"BEK, SOUP GO GRAB A HEALING POTION AND A WEAKNESS." Owen yelled at they both started running to Soup's room. "Mohwee try to hold down his leg and Graecie just keep trying to relax him" I nod in return and try to sooth him by running my hand through him hair. But then something happened. I couldn't help but scream again.

"HIS EYE IS HIS EYE IS RED SOMEONE GRAB AN ICE PACK" I yelled at tears flooded my eyes again. I saw as Magic ran up to me with an ice pack for his eye and I gently put it on. We could tell he was getting tired by Owen actually being able to get the bandages on his arms. But now there was a new problem. Trying to get him to drink the poisons that Soup and Bek just came back with.

(3rd Person POV)

Soup and Bek came back with the potions and handed Owen the healing one first. Graecie held Oeca's head upwards while Owen carefully put it in his mouth. Oeca kept trying to spit it out but it didn't work with the angle he was at. Now he needed to drink the weakness potion. It didn't help that it was gray and didn't have the best smell unlike the heath potion. This made Oeca throw his chair back causing him to fall backwards and then quickly crawled into a corner and refused to move or drink the potion. Graecie couldn't control herself anymore and fell to the ground sobbing. That's when they heard someone burst open the door and make their way towards where Owen was trying to get Oeca to drink the potion.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE" One out of the two maze operators yelled. The thing was if anyone of them were to show any loss of control they would be taken out for a week and who knows what would happen. Mohwee still won't tell anyone what happened to him. So Owen grabbed a knife and pointed it at both men.

"Me and Oeca got into a small disagreement and he fell and cut his arms" Owen said with no emotion in his voice. He only talks like this in front of the operators so they leave him alone. They all saw as both operators look at each other then slowly leave the shared "house". Then Owen slowly walk over to Oeca who was crying and shaking on the ground. At this point Magic had put Graecie into her room so she can calm down without people staring at her.

"Hey Oeca look!" Owen's voice sounded like one when you're talking to a small child. Which at this point he practically was. Oeca slowly looked up, his eye was less red but there was still a small tint to it. Owen took the cap off the potion and took a small sip.

"See there is nothing to be scared of, okay?" Owen asked. Oeca slowly sat up and just stared at him. Owen carefully brought the bottle to Oeca's mouth and let him slowly take sips of the potion. After he was done they all waited until he started to slowly fall asleep. Owen carefully picked up Oeca and turned to the other members.

"Can someone grab an ice pack for Oeca and follow me?" Owen asked. Acho quickly moved to grab a new ice pack and followed Owen to Graecie's room. They saw as Magic was comforting Graecie on her bed. They both looked up and saw as Owen and Acho walked in. Owen holding Oeca and Acho with an ice pack that he is holding with the edges of his sleeves since it was very cold. Magic got off the bed as Graecie walked over to Owen and helped him lay Oeca down on the bed. Acho grabbed the small rag that Graecie always has inside their room and wrapped the ice pack with it.

"Do you need anything Graecie?" Owen asked. She shook her head and sat down next to Oeca who was placed on her bed since they had a bunk bed they shared. Oeca always liked the top bunk because it gives him a chance to climb around and jump off it as long as he is careful.

"I am alright you guys can go back to doing what you were doing before I'm sorry for yelling" Graecie said with her head down.

"Graecie you know for a fact no matter what you wouldn't had been able to get Oeca still enough to bandage him by yourself " Acho spoke softly. "We are all friends here and we're willing to help each other whenever someone needs it" They said with a smile.

After they cheered up Graecie they left her to get some rest. She did after a while just to make sure Oeca didn't wake up. She fell asleep right next to him. This was normal for her since Oeca constantly had nightmares or extreme pain that would cause him to have trouble sleeping.

Time skip

Kyle and Krow were playing Fall Guys in the main living room where the others would play games. But today it was just Kyle and Krow while Acho was in the kitchen to get some water. As they were waiting for the next round to start Kyle saw something at the corner of his eye. He nudged Krow and they both looked in the direction of the hallway. Then out came Oeca. This made Krow instantly get up to see him.

"Hey sneaky what are you doing?" It questioned Oeca. He didn't say anything. He still looked a bit tired so Krow grabbed his hand and sat him on the couch and then It sat on the ground by Kyle. "You can watch us play then when afterwards we'll start a new game so you can join if you want, okay?" Krow asked looking at Oeca. He nodded and looked over at Acho who had come back from the kitchen. They sat right next to him and smiled. Oeca felt safe. Usually he was by Graecie so he wasn't used to this. But he likes it. He knew for now... He was safe... His past couldn't get him anymore. Not with his friends by his side.

Bro my dreams are wild and I'm so glad I remembered this.

Total words: 1449!

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