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As she slowly regained consciousness, she found herself immersed in a captivating scene. The serene tranquility of the moment was shattered by the peculiar symphony of birdsong, echoing through the air. As her eyelids fluttered open, the intensity of the sun's brilliance bore down upon her delicate skin. With a sense of disorientation, she took in her surroundings. Before her stretched vast expanses of majestic trees, their branches dancing in the gentle breeze, while towering mountains stood as stoic in the distance. The breathtaking beauty of the landscape left her momentarily breathless.

Inhaling deeply, she savored the crispness of the air, which felt remarkably pure compared to the place she had previously resided alongside Macaques. It carried an untainted freshness that seemed to cleanse her very being. The serenity of her surroundings threatened to make her forget the events leading up to her arrival, and indeed, the memories began to slip away.

Yet, as her heart gradually quickened its pace, a wave of unease washed over her. A sudden realization gripped her as fragments of her last conscious moments came rushing back. Wukong, the enigmatic and unpredictable trickster, had taken her captive. The magnitude of her emotions surged through her body, intertwining fear, anger, and a determined resolve. In the face of this unsettling situation, she fought to steady her breathing, drawing in deep breaths and exhaling slowly, attempting to find solace and regain her composure amidst the tranquil embrace of her surroundings.

A sudden, hasty rustling jolted her senses, sending a ripple of unease through her body. Her muscles tensed, ready to spring into action. With caution in her eyes, she regained her footing, observing intently as a young boy emerged clumsily from the nearby foliage, tumbling out in a flurry of movement. Her voice, barely above a whisper, trembled with a mix of apprehension and curiosity as she uttered, "Mk?"

In response to her question, the boy let out a nervous chuckle, his laughter betraying a hint of anxiety. Attempting to mask his own unease, he quickly composed himself, shaking away his jitters. Locking eyes with her, he spoke her name, "(Y/n)!" There was a tinge of disbelief in his voice, an acknowledgment of the peculiar circumstances that had brought them together in this unexpected place.

Her skepticism lingered as she detected the subtle attempt to conceal his reasons for being there. She scoffed, a hint of skepticism lacing her voice, as she questioned his motives for crossing paths with her in such an unusual setting. The air between them crackled with unspoken tension, and she remained on guard, cautiously peering into the depths of his intentions.

With a firm tone, she voiced her confusion and urgency, her words cutting through the air, "Where am I?" As her gaze fixed upon him, she noticed his body tensing, the growing tension palpable in the atmosphere. An uneasy silence settled between them, amplifying the weight of her question.

Attempting to gather his thoughts, the boy hesitated, aware of the gravity of the moment. His mouth opened and closed, his nerves betraying him. A quick gulp betrayed his anxiety before he managed to stammer out a response, "Uhm... well, you see... Flower Fruit Mountain."

Her reaction was swift and defensive. Moving away from the boy, she conjured large, menacing vines that encircled her, creating a physical barrier between them. The tendrils curled and coiled, a symbol of her determination to protect herself. Her voice dripped with resolve as she asserted, "I do not know why I am here, but rest assured, Macaque will find me."

Despite her seething anger and the wall of foliage that separated them, the boy persisted, moving closer to her. However, an unmistakable, sharp vine hummed in the air, resonating with a chilling energy. It materialized as a pointed, unseen force that hovered menacingly at his chin, warning him to keep his distance. The unspoken threat emanating from her was clear—any attempt to come closer would be met with severe consequences.

He responded to the subtle cue, sensing her discomfort, and took a measured step backward, creating space between them, aiming to assure her that he posed no threat. "Please, I just want to talk," he pleaded, hoping to establish a dialogue.

However, her response was sharp and immediate. "No!" she snapped, her voice filled with frustration. "I do not want to speak. I wish to be home! Where is Wukong?" Her anger seethed through her words, her tone laced with bitterness and resentment. The mere thought of Wukong's demise seemed to be a price she was willing to pay for the solace of her own soul.

As she moved towards the opening from which he had fallen, determined to make her way to the Monkey King, he positioned himself in her path, extending his arms as a physical barrier. "Please," he implored, his voice tinged with a mixture of earnestness and vulnerability. "I understand that Monkey King has made enemies, but you... I just want answers. As his supposed successor, I don't know anything about you or why you're angry. I just want to understand."

With a scornful scoff, she responded, her voice filled with disdain and a touch of vindictiveness, "You would like to know, then you will." Her eyes glowed with an eerie, mesmerizing shade of magical green, captivating him with their otherworldly allure. In the blink of an eye, he found himself transported to a realm entirely unfamiliar. Foliage sprouted and flourished all around him, transforming the landscape into a lush and verdant paradise. As he stood in the midst of a vast grass field, his gaze fixed upon her, she positioned herself a few paces away, settling on the ground with a heavy sigh that carried a sense of melancholy and frustration.

Drawing upon cautious curiosity, he cautiously approached her, mindful of the invisible barrier that separated them. Taking a seat beside her, he maintained a respectful distance, allowing the weight of her words to sink in. The surroundings seemed to echo her somber mood, as if the very atmosphere mourned the tragic tale she was about to share.

Her voice quivered with a mixture of vulnerability and lingering pain as she began recounting her story. "When I first saw him," she started, her voice laced with a hint of nostalgia and longing, "I was captivated. Intoxicated, even. He possessed a charisma unlike anyone I had ever encountered. Calling himself the king of monkeys, he became a frequent visitor to my forest, regaling me with tales of his grand adventures and journeys."

A shadow of sadness flickered across her face as she continued, her words carrying a weighty sorrow. "But one fateful day, he arrived bearing liquor, a gesture to toast to our newfound companionship. It lulled me into a deep slumber. And in that vulnerable state, he committed an unspeakable act. He... he snipped my wings, robbing me of my freedom, leaving me utterly abandoned and forsaken."

As she concluded her tale, her eyes became furrowed with a profound anger, an indignant fire burning within her. Moved by the intensity of her emotions, he leaned closer, offering her his undivided attention.

"Did... Monkey King make you feel like you were nothing?" he inquired, his voice laced with a mix of empathy and curiosity, genuinely seeking to understand the depths of her pain and resentment.

In response, she offered a wistful, sorrowful smile. "Wukong," she said softly, her voice tinged with both fondness and hatred, "made me feel as if I were everything." Her words carried a profound weight, conveying the deep connection she had once shared with Wukong. Mk listened intently to her heartfelt confession, the weight of her emotions palpable in the air. After a moment of thoughtful reflection, he carefully chose his next words, mindful of the delicate nature of their conversation.

Mk absorbed her words, feeling a sense of astonishment wash over him. He and (Y/n) returned to the Flower Fruit Mountain, the place where it all began. (Y/n) positioned herself in front of Mk, her eyes piercing into the foliage, a steely determination radiating from her.

"Sun Wukong," she uttered bitterly, her voice carrying the weight of unresolved emotions. As if the very air around them held its breath, Mk watched as the two figures, himself and the memory of Sun Wukong, engaged in an intricate dance of awkwardness and anger.

Tension crackled between them, an unspoken resentment lingering in the air. Mk could sense the gravity of the situation, realizing that this encounter held the potential to unearth long-buried truths and untangle the web of emotions that had entangled their lives.

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