Goalie Rivalries

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Authors Note: None of these guys are my OCs! They all belong to my friend @/tmhsticks_ on Instagram! There are drawings of them so I highly suggest following them and checking out their art!

*Warning: Fighting as well as mention of blood*

Dallas let out a breathy, "Fuckkkk..." He watched as Nikita picked a fight he couldn't handle, starting a brawl between the Outlaws and the Roadrunners. Of course, the fight was for a reason, a reason that the captain should deal with. A Roadrunner had slammed their rookie into the boards after the puck had already been dealt away. Nikita knew this was outrageous and pulled the player away, swearing. The Roadrunner player towered over the 5'7 captain and shoved him back. Nikita's teammates quickly came to his aid and soon players were being paired off by center ice.

Dallas knew the fans wanted him to fight, he usually did in situations like this. He knew he should after they hurt his friends. But, on the other side of the ice, inside the opposite crease was Maxxie Novikov. He was a champion goaltender in both fights and saves. The crowds cheering for a fight were silenced behind him as his feet moved him forward, Maxxie was doing the same on the other end. He was already almost at center ice. Their goalie sticks were dropped and their helmets were strewn across the ice. Their teammates were still battling, when the two finally met in the middle. The refs had known this was bound to happen with these two teams.

Maxxie grinned, a burning in his stomach had never gone away ever since he had been traded away from the Outlaws. He remembered the pounding in his head when he had seen Nikita with Dallas in the media. Maxxie only felt calm from the rushing water in his mind when he was with his goalie partner Nils. But on the ice, watching Nikita shoot on him, seeing Dallas take his spot as started, the water had turned ice cold and urged him on.

The two goalies connected and grappled each other, Dallas was able to free his right hand and threw a heavy punch. Maxxie reeled back but slammed Dallas right back. Maxxie stood at 6 '8 while Dallas was only 6' 2, it was clear who had the advantage. Maxxie had never once lost but Dallas was prepared to put up a good fight. The two were throwing punches pretty evenly, Dallas had managed to get a grip on the taller goalie's jersey and tried to pull it over his unmasked head.

Maxxie knew he had to get this jersey off or it would cause problems during the fight, he bent over as Dallas pulled it a little too hard and threw it off. Maxxie had fallen to the ice in the fray but before a ref could intervene he pushed up with all his force and caught Dallas square in the jaw. Dallas let out a grunt as he tasted blood. His head was whipped back and Maxxie used this momentum to shove Dallas to the ice on his back. He threw some hard punches at him as Dallas scrambled to fight back and blocked himself. A ref finally got into the mix and pulled Maxxie back, who knew better to push back despite all his instincts screaming at him too.

Nikita rushed over to his goalie, who had blood coming from his mouth and a face filled with hate. Dallas stood up and scoffed, causing blood to drip to the ice. Maxxie was also leaving a trail, his nose had been broken. The two of them received penalties and game misconducts. Maxxie left the ice and Nils, his goalie partner and closest "friend", patted his pads with his stick. Nils took his spot in the crease.

After some talk with Nikita, Coach, and the refs Dallas was allowed to stay in the game. He had managed to wipe away most of the blood on his face and swallowed the precious liquid. Nikita had seemed concerned at first but now only shyly smiled at Dallas. Some feeling was hidden deeper behind those eyes though. 

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