017 - Timing

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I love you more than words can say
But you aren't ready, so I'll wait
I'll wait for you to see my worth
Until we're ready to give each other the love we deserve

My heart beats for you every day
Hoping one day you'll feel the same way
I'll hold on to hope and faith
That one day we'll be ready to embrace

In the meantime, I'll cherish the moments we share
Knowing that one day we'll get there
I'll wait patiently for your heart to heal
So we can love each other without fear or deal

Until that day, my love will continue to grow
Even if we have to take things slow
For I know that when the timing is right
We'll be ready to hold each other tight.

— pseudonymous

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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