Pamela Anderson

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Heeseung had no idea what his night would turn out to be.

The group of seven friends had decided to go out to a bar for the night, they wanted to relax after a week of stress from life. He had arrived first together with Jay and Riki, about half an hour later, Jungwon and Sunoo had gotten there and joined them. Jake arrived next, alone for some strange reason and Sunoo looked absolutely thrilled by this. Finally, Sunghoon managed to join them.

If he could, Jay would make fun of how awestruck Heeseung looked by just Sunghoon’s presence. Heeseung couldn’t be blamed, Sunghoon was wearing quite simple clothes, dark jeans and a white button up, but he looked so hot. Sure, he may be biased, but that didn’t take away from the fact that Sunghoon was simply incredibly attractive.

“I’m last?” Sunghoon asked, raising his voice above the volume of the music.

“Yes,” Sunoo was barely containing his excitement. For some reason, he kept looking at Heeseung with a playful smile. Like he knew something Heeseung didn’t.

“Ah, shit,” Sunghoon groaned. “So, I have to try the… the pomelo drink?”

“It’s Pamela,” Jay corrected him sharing the same smile as Heeseung. Did everyone know but him? Sunghoon looked just as lost.

“What kind of drink is named Pamela?” Sunghoon wondered out loud.

“One that’s mostly vodka,” Sunoo commented offhandedly.

“It’s named after Pamela Anderson, that’s the full name of the drink,” Jay clarified, as if that made it make any sense.

“Why are you acting as if drink had reasonable names?” Riki questioned, already having a glass in his hand. When Jungwon judgedly looked at him, he shrugged, “it’s water.”

“What’s going on?” Jake was the one to finally break. Apparently while Jungwon, Sunoo and Jay had known what was going on, Jake was just as lost as Heeseung. He couldn’t really tell if Sunghoon and Riki knew anything.

“We made a bet, whoever was last had to try the Pamela Anderson drink,” Sunoo quickly summarised.

“Why that drink?” Heeseung asked, forcibly peeling his eyes away from Sunghoon.

“Because it’s fun!” Sunoo answered, Jungwon enthusiastically agreeing with him.

“Trust me, you’ll enjoy this one,” Jay all but winked at Heeseung. He didn’t get why, he wasn’t the one who’d drink it.

“What—?” Before Heeseung could ask anything else, Sunoo talked over him.

“Let’s get this started!” He cheered. “Come, you’ll need help to drink it,” he grabbed onto Sunghoon’s arm and guided him towards the bar.

Heeseung was questioning what kind of drink would require assistance when they hadn’t had anything to drink yet, but he didn’t want to interrupt the fun. Besides, Sunghoon seemed to be fine going along with it, it couldn’t be that bad.

His first sign that things would be that bad, for him, should have been the moment they covered Sunghoon’s eyes with an eye mask. At the time, though, his mind only connected the dots with why Sunghoon would need help drinking. His second sign should have been Jay gently pushing him to be closer to Sunghoon, have him in a clear line of sight. In his defence, he had no way of knowing what kind of drink this was. Nothing could have prepared him on hinted for him what was so special about it.

He watched closely as the bartender made the drink, as Sunoo had said, it was mostly vodka. For a moment, Heeseung had been convinced having to drink it with your eyes covered was the big deal with it, but oh how wrong he was. He realised this when the bartender got a plastic dick out. His eyes almost comically bulged out of his face, and he had to look around to confirm he was seeing things right when the bartender placed it on top of the glass. The bartender finished off the drink by adding some whipped cream on top of the plastic drink and handed it over to Sunoo.

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