The Things I Do For You

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“I thought you said you’d do this once we were back at the dorm?” Heeseung asked, Sunghoon kneeling in front of him.

Both of them were inside a stall at a toilet at a small restaurant not to far from their dorms. While Heeseung might be worried about what could happen if anyone happened to see them, he was not about to complain.

The previous night Heeseung had promised Sunghoon to do whatever he wanted; he was not about to go back on his words. He did wonder, however, how he’d gotten in this position for a second time. He was starting to think he was too easy to manipulate and trick. Though, he had a slight feeling it had to do more with Sunghoon than how gullible he was.

After his somewhat rough awoken by Sunghoon’s body weight on top of him, and conforming they indeed wanted the same things, Heeseung agreed to taking him out for lunch. It had started pretty well, especially considering they were both slightly hangover.

They got ready as quickly as they could and left to the closest restaurant that was open to have lunch. Maybe it wasn’t the ideal first date Heeseung had imagined for them, but it was better than the previous night almost blowjob in a bar. For starters, neither was drunk, which Heeseung thought was a great improvement already. He’d have to get used to the idea that Sunghoon would do things his way; Heeseung wasn’t going to go against him as long as he took him along for the ride.

As soon as they had gotten to the restaurant, Sunghoon picked a table he liked and they ordered food. They had been to that restaurant several times before, so it wasn’t hard to decide on the dishes. Everything had been pretty normal, the same as many other times they’d gone out together, though the added layer of it being a romantic date could be felt. It was still comfortable between them, just slightly more playful and flirtatious.

From the very beginning, Heeseung had known Sunghoon intended to suck him off at some point. So, he shouldn’t have been so surprised when Sunghoon prettily asked him to accompany him to the bathroom and lock them inside a stall. He shouldn’t have been, but he still was.

“Can’t wait that long, besides it wouldn’t be as much fun,” Sunghoon commented, as if it was obvious and Heeseung had just asked the most stupid question of his life. Honestly, he felt about that stupid.

“We shouldn’t be doing this here,” Heeseung mentioned, but he wasn’t stopping Sunghoon at all.

“That’s the fun part,” Sunghoon said at the same time he undid Heeseung’s jeans. Heeseung had no idea what he had gotten himself into. “Do you think I can make you come fast enough that it won’t be suspicious?”

His pride wanted him to answer that no, that they’d be in there for too long. The truth, however, was: “Yes, embarrassingly fast, really.”

Sunghoon just chuckled before reaching for Heeseung’s underwear. They didn’t have the time to play around, so Sunghoon was quick to just pull it down and leave Heeseung fully exposed. Heeseung fought the urge to cover his face at already being half hard, but Sunghoon didn’t seem to mind. As they didn’t have any kind of lube, Sunghoon was left with only one option. Without hesitation, he grabbed Heeseung’s dick and swallowed the slightly soft member as far as he could get it.

Heeseung’s right hand went to cover his mouth instantly, while his left hand found place on Sunghoon’s head. He had said he’d come embarrassingly fast, but he hadn’t thought it’d be this easy. He hadn’t come yet, but he was damn close and Sunghoon had done nothing. For his own sake, he couldn’t look down at Sunghoon, he knew he wouldn’t be able to take it if he did.

If he had, he’d have seen Sunghoon closing his eyes and utterly enjoying the feeling of his mouth being full. Sunghoon couldn’t even make fun of Heeseung for having been half hard when all it took for him to reach that was getting Heeseung’s dick in his mouth. He wouldn’t even judge if Heeseung came in that moment, because he couldn’t confidently say he wouldn’t come at the same time.

Breathing harshly through his nose, Heeseung guided Sunghoon’s head to move back just a little. As much as he loved the feeling of Sunghoon’s wet and warm mouth around his member, they did not have the time to indulge in just that. Maybe some other time. Sunghoon got the hint and began moving almost desperately. He’d been waiting for a while and had been denied the night prior, so it was understandable.

“Shit, how are you so good at this?” Heeseung asked even though he knew Sunghoon couldn’t answer. He didn’t actually care either. “You are doing amazing,” Heeseung tried to keep his voice as quiet as possible, gently caressing Sunghoon’s hair as he spoke.

Sunghoon wants to take his time and be a bit messier, but given the circumstances, that wasn’t possible. He focused, then, on not drooling as much and pleasuring Heeseung as fast as he could. Feeling how hard Heeseung had gotten in his mouth, how heavy his cock felt on his tongue, Sunghoon assumed he was doing quite a good job. Heeseung saying so out loud just spurred him on.

By instinct, Sunghoon held onto Heeseung’s thighs with his hands and used that as leverage to move his head more eagerly. Heeseung helped him with his hand, fingers getting more and more entangled with his hair. By no more than a minute, Heeseung was holding on for dear life. Sure, they didn’t want to be in there for long, but he also didn’t want to come in under two minutes. His ego and pride simply wouldn’t let him.

He really had to think whether he was simply too pent up or if Sunghoon being the one sucking him of made it more intense. It was probably a mix of the two. He couldn’t help but also be slightly impressed by Sunghoon’s lack of a gag reflex, he’d be more appreciative of it later. He had to bite his lip to stop a moan from getting louder than they were allowed, finally really looking down at Sunghoon.

In that moment, Heeseung had two thoughts in his mind. First, Sunghoon looked way too good sucking dick, it was unfair. His hair was a mess, his lips were red and there were tears in his eyes threatening to fall, and yet, he looked absolutely astounding. Sunghoon looked like a wet dream come to life. His second thought was that Sunghoon had gotten to sucking him off before they had kissed during their date, but he wasn’t too concerned with the order, they could kiss later. They would kiss later. Judging by the tightness in his lower abdomen, Heeseung could say they’d be kissing pretty soon.

“Hoon, I’m going to come,” Heeseung warned him, silently asking what he wanted to do. By the way Sunghoon sucked with more enthusiasm, Heeseung could guess.

He wasn’t counting, but it couldn’t have been more than fifteen seconds after his warning, Heeseung was spilling into Sunghoon’s mouth. His hips stuttered forwards unexpectedly, taking Sunghoon by surprise, who still somehow didn’t choke and that had to be a talent. Sunghoon swallowed around Heeseung’s dick, trying to get all the cum to go down his throat and stop it from spilling. It was hot and Heeseung wasn’t going to recover from that any time soon.

Sunghoon didn’t immediately let go of Heeseung’s cock, instead letting it rest inside his mouth as Heeseung experienced the end of his orgasm. While Heeseung was fighting down his voice, Sunghoon was leisurely enjoying the feeling of Heeseung’s cock becoming soft over his tongue. Finally, and a bit reluctantly, Sunghoon pulled away, watching as Heeseung’s dick went flopped against Heeseung’s jeans. It was wet with saliva, but at least it didn’t have any cum on it.

After calming down, Heeseung grabbed some toilet paper and cleaned himself up a little before tucking everything back in. He looked over at Sunghoon, who was still on his knees, and helped him up and to clean his face a bit. They’d need more than just the toilet paper for that, unless they wanted people to think he’d beaten Sunghoon up in there. Far from the truth, but Heeseung didn’t know what was better for people to believe. Preferably, though, they should not assume anything, maybe only that one of them wasn’t feeling too well.

“Are you satisfied now?” Heeseung asked as Sunghoon washed his face.

“No,” Sunghoon pouted. “Well, kind of…” he admitted. “But I want more now,” he continued to pout, which Heeseung thought clashed with the topic of conversation. “But just this time I’ll wait until we are back at the dorms.”

“I’m not going to give in every time you want to do something in public,” Heeseung warned him.

“Yes, you will,” Sunghoon said nonchalantly, with a small shrug.

Heeseung couldn’t even argue.

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