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is that my name from your lips that i hear?

you don't have to shout it out

i can hear the anger inside your psychopathic heart

insecurity is spewing from the accents escaping your mouth

you keep asking for my help but you know

it's just your means of wasting my time

and i don't know what you get from doing this to me

do you get happiness from my mishappenings?

you even joked about me with your friends

telling them i'm a walking charitable institution

do you even know what it means? you didn't.

it means you're treating me like your puppet on strings

if you already know that i'm hurting, why still push for me?

i know that i'm a pushover, but i just couldn't say no to thee

am i terrified that you'd damage me more than you did?

yes i am, so can we please stop this game, it's making me insane

MACHIAVELLIAN: The Book of RonanWhere stories live. Discover now