1. - Action in Corelia

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The bridge of the Resolute star destroyer was, as usual, a hive of activity, with a dozen officers sitting in front of machines and monitors displaying all sorts of charts. Anakin Skywalker stood in the middle of the bridge with his hands on his hips. They were orbiting the planet of Korelia, because intelligence said the Separatists were going to show up here to take important supplies. Anakin took in the sight of the planet, but then, as if awakened, realised that there was still much work to be done before success. So he retreated to the strategy table, where his star destroyer captain, Tyler Chapman, was waiting. True, the Resolute was Anakin's flagship, but as the Jedi Council had ordered him on numerous special missions that could take weeks, he saw it wise to appoint a captain to lead the ship. And he hadn't given the post a moment's thought, because Tyler was born for it: he'd shown his flair for strategy and his quick wit in previous battles.

"Any news on the Separatists?" Anakin asked as he stepped up to the table, above which was a hologram of the planet Korelia and a few other neighbouring systems. The hologram also showed nearby Star Destroyers and other Republic forces.

"Nothing yet," Tyler said, a little dejectedly, but then one of the officers spoke up loudly from the front of the bridge.

"We're picking up several ships approaching on our sensors!" he said with a tone that showed his excitement. This must be his first space battle, thought Anakin, who didn't really know the ship's crew because he hadn't spent much time on board. Tyler gave the order to fire on all enemy units. A few minutes later, a flagship and several smaller ships dropped out of hyperspace. The flagship opened fire on them immediately, but the shields took most of the fire. The Resolute also opened fire, and Tyler gave the order for all available pilots to board a clone hunter and fly out. 

The command caused the red streak in the middle of the Resolute to open, and the fighters began to fly out of it.The other side wasn't idle either: the Separatist mothership was spewing out vulture fighters. Anakin and Tyler rushed to the front of the bridge to see how the battle was going. The black and silent space was now noisy and colourful, with red and green streaks everywhere, sometimes followed by an explosion as a fighter or vulture was destroyed. The vulture hunters seemed to be winning, and Anakin could see that he did not like the way things were going. After a few minutes of wrangling, he took long strides towards the bridge exit.

"Where are you going?" Tyler asked, surprised by the Jedi Knight's behaviour.

"I can't let so many clones die, and after all, I hate those damn flying droids!" As soon as he said that, he was out of sight on the bridge and running at great speed into the hangar bay to his ship. He jumped into his seat and pressed the button that closed the roof of the ship. Then he saw that Artu had taken his seat. Anakin fired up the ship and watched with satisfaction as all the instruments glowed. He loved it when his ship started up, and that was when he really felt the excitement of battle. As he looked at his instruments he noticed what Artu was saying, or more accurately, he saw his translation on the screen. He read off that Artu had repaired the ship's lasers, as they had been damaged in the last close battle, but everything was now operational.

"Well done Artu, well done!" he said, and then continued in a distorted voice.

"Now let's see how many droids this repaired laser can destroy!" And with that, he flew the ship up into space and picked out a vulture that was stuck on one of their fighters. Anakin got behind it and, without even using the targeting system, just going for the Force, hit the vulture with one shot and it was destroyed with a huge explosion. That's when he heard the clone in the fighter over the radio. He then headed for the mothership and aimed his guns at it, in order to prevent it from attacking.

He knew that this would mean that he would be targeted with all the guns, but he trusted himself and most of all the Force. He easily dodged all the beams and picked off the enemy ship's guns one by one. Meanwhile, Tyler watched the war from the bridge. He was a little nervous that the Jedi had ventured so close to the enemy ship, but was relieved to see him taking out the cannons one by one. His mood was boosted by the fact that his fighters were getting better. Then the same excited officer spoke loudly, causing Tyler to flinch a little in fright:

 "They're retreating!" the officer shouted. "They'll jump in a minute and a half according to our calculations." 

"No problem," Tyler smiled, as several people looked back at him questioningly from the bridge. „The purpose of this operation was to prevent them from landing on the planet and taking over their cargo," he explained.

But Anakin, sitting in his ship, didn't think so, his goal was to find out what the cargo was and why it was so important to the enemy. After taking out all the cannons, he decided to enter the ship. This was to be an easy operation, as there were no guns to protect the ship. He landed in a less busy hangar. He carefully opened the roof of the ship and quickly jumped out. He told Artu to stay in the hangar in case he had to leave in a hurry.

He wasn't very familiar with this type of ship, so he didn't really know where the bridge was, so he just made his way down the corridor at random. His plan was to find out from the ship's captain what the cargo was, then transfer it to the Star Destroyer and bring him to justice when they returned to Coruscant. Part of his plan, created out of thin air, was to remain undetected. For a while, he succeeded, but as he turned down the corridor, he ran into a group of droids. He didn't hesitate, and immediately activated his lightsaber and cut them down. Then the siren went on and all the lights started flashing red, indicating an intruder on board. Anakin hated droids for this reason, because if several died at once, the control centre would know that someone had attacked the ship, whereas if they were flesh and blood soldiers, it might take several minutes to detect the attack. His thoughts were interrupted by a slight vibration. It felt as if the ship had made a hyperjump...

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