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Ummm...Hi....I haven't updated in a while.

I'm so sorryyyyyyy

I am drowning in revision and I just don't have the time to sit down and write atm guys :'(

Looking at things, unless a miracle happens and I get all of my revision done ahead of time (which will probably not happen) there won't be a proper update for a while. Plus, I'm out of the country for two weeks in June and another week I'm elsewhere in the country and arrrrggggh my goodness I'm very very busy.

Realistically (and you aren't gonna like it :/) there...probably...won't be a proper update till July.

Oh God. I know. I know, that's ages away!!! I'm sorry, but once July hits then I'm on holiday from school for TWO MONTHS. And that's a whole lot of fic writing, right there.

I am keeping you guys waiting and I thank you so so so much for sticking with me and this story. I love you all okay?

Also, this just hit 1K reads!!! Thank you so much for reading.

See you all (hopefully) soon and have a great day/night wherever you are!

Stay safe, flowerlings.

~Magic -x-

Side note: I'm six months clean self harm.

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