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I'm just really bored and people really love this story so why not 🥱

"Are you alright?" You asked looking at amber she was on the floor all bloody from the shot gale gave her "amber" you said sitting down in front of her and putting a hand on her face to make her look at you "what?" She mumbled barely keeping her eyes open

"Let's get you up" you said standing up and picking her up as well Amber was standing for a few seconds but she could hardly stand up straight she started to fall and luckily you were able to catch her before she did "shit amber" you said as amber holds onto you to keep her balance

You were pretty sure richie was the one who manipulated her into attacking Sam and Tara he wasn't with you guys because when gale shot amber you pushed her out the way making her bump into Sidney when they weren't paying attention you grabbed her and ran out the front door

You heard Sidney and Tara calling out for you to come back but you couldn't you needed to save her "are you okay?" You heard her say if anyone were to look at you guys they would assume Amber was drunk "yes" you said fixing her hand around you once more since it was slippering

"Thank you" you heard her say "don't mention it" you said almost losing your balance you were pretty fucked up as well since richie stabbed you twice in the hip when you tried to get away from him to try and save Sam "did you liked her?" Said Amber looking at you

"Tara and I do have history together but that's in the past we dated for a month but we broke things off when Sam left her and that's when I met you and when I saw you amber I felt things for you that I haven't felt for anyone not even Tara I don't care what you done just know that I'll always be here for you" you said out of breath

But when Amber wasn't saying anything you looked down at her and saw her eyes filled with water she never cried well the whole time you guys were friends she always had this beautiful smile she never once let it drop so you always assumed she was happy all the time

"Amber!?! I'm sorry I didn't..." You said but got cut off when you trip on something making you fall "ow fuck" you said "I'm sorry" said Amber as you looked at her she wasn't that far from you "I'm sorry on that day you confessed to me I rejected you" she said as a sob left her lips

"I was trying to protect you from him I didn't think he would actually hurt you I told him not to" said Amber crossing her arms over her face so you couldn't see her with tears down her face you smiled and went over to her "I told you it's fine" you said pulling her into a hug she hugs you back carefully to not touch your stabs wounds

"But what I did was wrong" she said lifting her head up as you whipped her tears "yes I know that we all do dumb things you know" you said letting out a small sigh "but that doesn't mean we don't learn right?" You said turning your head to face her "right" she said smiling

"Okay let's get going" you said standing up and helping amber up as well "y/n one more thing" she said standing in front of you "what's that?" You said tilting your head a little as amber leans in and kisses your lips it was very gentle but you can tell that she was holding herself back from pulling you closer to her

"Take that as my apology" she said as you guys pulled away "oh okay" you said looking away from her trying to cool yourself down "well let's get going" you said Amber nods and follows you yes you guys were in extreme pain but with what just happened you couldn't even feel pain

About a ten minute walk you guys finally made it to your house your family was out for the weekend so you had the house to yourself "watch your step" you said walking up the stairs and grabbing your keys to open the door once the door was opened you guys got inside

"Are you sure that they're not going to find us here?" Asked amber who was making her way to the soft couch "no Tara never knew where I lived since she never came over I usually stayed the night at her place" you said going over to the tv to put on a movie it was midnight almost about to be 1:00

"Do you want to watch anything?" You asked taking a seat right next to her "stab" she said of course she would pick that movie it's literally her favorite one "alright" you said grabbing the movie and putting it on then taking a seat right next to her again amber leans her head to rest it on your shoulder as you do the same

"This is nice" said Amber mumbled "it is" you said putting the blanket on the two of you amber held your hand under the blanket but you didn't want to say anything afraid you would ruin the moment with her it was peaceful for you two you haven't felt this way in a long time

(Before I forget yes amber and y/n took care of their stabs and gun shot 😭 they have bandages on them they took care of that when they got inside I just forgot to write it)

Sure when you were with Tara you thought that was she was the one you kept telling people that to the point you even started to believe that she was actually the one for you but she broke things off when Sam left leaving Tara really depressed and told you that you guys should go your separate ways

But when Sam came back and the whole ghostface thing started with her being the first who got attacked you were worried for her so you started to get closer and closer to her again but Sam would usually keep her away from you since she really didn't trust anyone which left you pissed but you understood her

That's when Amber came in the picture at first you saw her as a friend but soon you and her got closer and closer and the more closer you got with her the less time you spend with Tara to the point where you only saw Tara as just a friend so when you confess to amber about how you were feeling she shut you down saying she didn't feel anything for you

Of course that was a complete lie she was just trying to protect you from richie and herself she thought if she keeps you away from them then you will be safe but of course richie had to fuck it up by telling you she was throwing a party "for wes" and told you to come even though she didn't invite him to begin with

So when you showed up she knew this wouldn't end well but she still had to go with the plan even if she didn't want to of course she could have shot richie and blame it on ghostface but she couldn't betray him although looking back to it she should have since she was there when he stabbed you twice when you tried to get away from them

And that's when the whole thing went down "hey y/n" said Amber "yeah?" You said taking your eyes off the screen "you won't leave right?" She asked "of course not" you said holding her tighter "okay" she said giving you another kiss on the lips "I love you I really do" she said looking back at the screen as your face heats up

"I love you too" you said smiling as you guys watched stab you loved this feeling you didn't want it to go away you didn't want her to go away and you didn't want them to take her away from you because if they did so help you god you will become the next ghostface and kill them all

A/n: they fell asleep on the couch cuddling together

Also thank you guys so much for 21.6k reads I really appreciate it 🤧💗

amber freeman x fem reader 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now